To cut meaning in hindi
As noun : उत्कर्तन Ex:  Max refused to cut in his partner Lefty .
उल्लुंचन Ex:  I want to cut the dust . कप्पना Ex:  That is to say it is able to cut grooves कर्तन Ex:  The invitation to cut is made by placing the pack कलप्प Ex:  2007 in a bid to cut underaged smoking. काटना Ex:  Beatty moved eastwards to cut the German ships off from their base. कापना Ex:  He would go home to cut the harvest and for sowing . कुट्ठन Ex:  Absolutely, Who wants to prune? He promised to cut after supper छ Ex:  Action to cut तर्कुट Ex:  Arts Grosse table that is used by tanners and tanners to cut and prepare their book तुच्छना Ex:  CUP is also said to Art, how to cut the stones that go into the construction of buildings निकर्त Ex:  diamond powder, powder made of crushed diamonds and which is used to cut diamonds ब्य़ोँतना Ex:  Get an waives Getting ready to cut a color by defeating maps that color one has in his game भीँचना Ex:  He wants to cut his throat with his rival लुंच, लुंचन Ex:  I waited three hours to cut away the foot वदर्ध, वर्ध Ex:  In terms of anatomy, teeth, or incisors, substantively, incisors, the front teeth, which are made to cut food वदर्धापन, वर्धापन Ex:  Instrument which is used to cut grass meadows , wheat, oats, etc वर्द्धन, वर्धन Ex:  It also means the Path of operations required to cut and to pair the materials of construction संछेद Ex:  It is also said to cut a forest to clearcut thrusting, cutting in all timber, without leaving of saplings
Other : उतारना Ex:  The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking . कतरना Ex:  Special types of planes are designed to cut joints or decorative mouldings. चीरना Ex:  Action to cut चोट पहुंचाना Ex:  Action to cut छाँटना Ex:  Action to cut cloth, cloth, paper, etc छेवना Ex:  Action to cut down the woods that are up छोलना Ex:  Action to cut the hay तराशना Ex:  Agriculture Action to cut thatch, or time which is cut
To cut ki paribhasha : kisi dhaaradaar chij ki daab ya ragad se do tukade karana
ExamplesUsage of To cut in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi.
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