To endure meaning in hindi

How to pronounce To endure
Other : खाना Ex:  Faculty, strength to endure physical fatigue, privations उ:   कश्मीरी खाना इस क्षेत्र की प्राचीन परंपरा पर आधारित है।
गम खाना Ex:  It also means suffer, to endure झेलना Ex:  It also tells of Illusions that help us to endure a painful position उ:   महिलाओं को स्वास्थ्य संबंधी समस्याओं को नहीं झेलना पड़ेगा। बरदाश्त करना Ex:  It is having patience of an angel, the patience of a saint than to endure such insults सहन करना Ex:  Patience with which a powerful and good to endure the mistakes, insult he could punish सहना Ex:  To suffer, to endure steadfastly सहारना Ex:  To suffer, to endure with firmness, constancy
Usage of To endure in sentences

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