To happen meaning in hindi

How to pronounce To happen
Other : उपजना Ex:  That wasn't supposed to happen by the books".
घटना Ex:  Cohabitation used to happen from time to time before 2002 उ:   कुछ परीक्षकों की दृष्टि में यह एक बड़ी घटना है। टूट पडना Ex:  Elections were planned to happen in 1991.In December 1991 मचना Ex:  In order for this to happen हो जाना Ex:  By extension, it means Plan ahead and say what needs to happen होना Ex:  Humanly speaking, things had to happen and उ:   यह अंतरिक्ष में दिसंबर २०१६ तक होना चाहिए।
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