To press meaning in hindi
Other : गारना Ex:  The PRC continued to press for the embargo to be lifted
चपाना Ex:  The driver only needs to press two चाँपना Ex:  In the Pacific, American forces continued to press back the Japanese perimeter. चापना Ex:  In the 1960s the ni-Vanuatu people started to press for self-governance and तकलीफ़ देना Ex:  In 1142 John returned to press his claims to Antioch दबाना Ex:  Action to press दाबना Ex:  Action to press मसकना Ex:  Go to the press, to press मसलना Ex:  It is necessary to press the case मसोसना Ex:  It is used in terms of journalism, to designate the new facts which came at the time of going to press
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