To refuse meaning in hindi

How to pronounce To refuse
Other : अस्वीकार करना Ex:  Gore; the right to refuse medical treatment, in Cruzan v.
इन्कार करना Ex:  PALIPEHUTU-FNL , continued to refuse negotiations. न मानना Ex:  Would you well the courage to abandon your children? I have not the courage to refuse him that नकारना Ex:  , in terms of playing cards, Burning a card, the set aside, because it has been seen or because the player to whom the proposed use of the right to refuse नटना Ex:  , This is my secret to tell a person to refuse to give notice of a thing it नाटना Ex:  I see myself in the need to refuse नापसन्द करना नामंजूर करना मुकरना
Usage of To refuse in sentences

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