To remove meaning in hindi

How to pronounce To remove
Other : अलग करना Ex:  He polished the metal to remove the tarnish.
अलगाना Ex:  A toothpick helps to remove the food particles. उठाना Ex:  Mere lamenting over corruption is not going to remove it.
They lamented as their friends demise.
उसारना Ex:  Richelieu faced a plot that threatened to remove him from power. खिसकाना Ex:  "everybody endeavouring to remove their goods चालना Ex:  It is used to remove small amounts of material from surfaces छुड़ाना Ex:  He made countryside visits to remove himself from London in fear of the plague. ले जाना Ex:  He wanted to remove anything that was against him, but we produced a copy collated
Usage of To remove in sentences

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