To rise meaning in hindi
Other : उकसना Ex:  Barometric pressures in some areas actually began to rise
उगना Ex:  Some bread doughs are knocked back after one rising and left to rise again. उठना Ex:  As the population continued to rise उदय होना Ex:  An early bluegrass bassist to rise to prominence was Howard Watts उभरना Ex:  The mixed dough is then allowed to rise one or more times उमड़ना Ex:  The show's revenue continued to rise through syndication and DVD sales ऊभना Ex:  The ball failed to rise and he dragged it onto his stumps चढ़ना Ex:  America and North Africa, empires continued to rise and fall. चढ़ना Ex:  Global literacy rates continued to rise जागना Ex:  During debates, the first senator to rise is entitled to make the next speech. दिखाई देना Ex:  The Sun would appear to rise in the west and set in the east. बलवा करना Ex:  As sea-level continued to rise बढ़ना Ex:  British immigration began to rise after 1820
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