To seize meaning in hindi
Other : कब्ज़ा करना Ex:  In June he tried to seize Charleston
गहना Ex:  Óengus of Moray was defeated in an attempt to seize the Scottish throne. उ: यह गहना जितना ही वजनी होता है, डाक्टर की शोहरत उतनी ही बढ़ती है। गाहना Ex:  Because of Way Action to seize violently to something that you have no legal right गोचना Ex:  Having in mind the comic, Have a provision to seize and make the ridiculous ग्रसना Ex:  In terms of the Navy, Giving chase, Chasing ship , a ship that wants to recognize, or which one wants to seize ग्रहण करना Ex:  In terms under Palace, Curling pledge of the effects of a succession To grasp as having a right, to seize a precaution, except to report छीनना Ex:  In terms War, Horseback assault, Attacking a stronghold, a position from which the order is to seize बरामद Ex:  The enemy's objective was to seize this city उ: पुलिस ने दिल्ली के कई इलाकों में जिंदा बम बरामद किये हैं। हथियाना हरना
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