To shake meaning in hindi

How to pronounce To shake
Other : कंपाना Ex:  Action to shake or movement of what is shaken, what shakes
कांपना Ex:  Defeat drown if to shake nuts घोलना Ex:  moutonner also works as a intransitive verb and then said to the sea, a lake, a river whose waters begin to shake and whiten चालना Ex:  Who ewe, which begins to shake and whiten झँझोड़ना Ex:  , must be told to shake a person to exercise, movement is necessary, or that we invite to break the inaction, not to give in to discouragement , efforts to झकोरना झटकना झटकाना झटकारना झड़कना झड़झड़ाना झड़ना झिड़कना झोरना हिलना हिलाना
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