Toilet meaning in hindi
As noun : इजाबत Ex:  She bought two rolls of toilet paper.
पैखना Ex:  Some cats can be trained to use the human toilet प्रशाधन Ex:  The oldest toilet made of bricks is about 4500 years old . प्रसाधन Ex:  A simple decorated toilet some ribbons उ: भारतीय नारी को अपने प्रसाधन में फूलों के प्रति विशेष मोह है। शौच Ex:  be long at her toilet उ: व्यक्ति दो या तीन दिन तक शौच नहीं हो पाता है। शौचघर Ex:  Complimentary toiletries, Kind kit, case that contains all the necessary objects the toilet शौचालय Ex:  He said specifically Cotton dressings and prepared for the toilet उ: उन्हें हर दो घंटे पर शौचालय जाने के लिये प्रोत्साहित करें। सज्जना Ex:  Linen which is used at the table or toilet सौँचन Ex:  Omer pompoms ; and in a wider sense, Spotting a person, put the finishing touches to his toilet
Other : प्रसाधन Ex:  A fresh spring toilet उ: भारतीय नारी को अपने प्रसाधन में फूलों के प्रति विशेष मोह है। प्रसाधन कक्ष Ex:  A neglected beauty, a beautiful woman, but neglects to excess the care of his toilet प्रसाधनीय Ex:  A toilet fashioned शौत Ex:  His table toilet was covered with cosmetics श्रंगार Ex:  If anglicized his toilet in his dress उ: अपनी रचनाओं में श्रंगार रस का भी बखूबी वर्णन किया है। श्रृंगार करना Ex:  It means, by extension who is wanted in his toilet श्रृंगार करने की सामग्री Ex:  It Stores also told that sells not only perfumes, but all that is necessary to the toilet creams, soaps, combs, etc श्रृगार Ex:  Kind ornament, in the shape of a small tassel, small ball and used the toilet and furniture
Toilet ki paribhasha : sngit ke saat svaron men pratham svar shaastriy paribhaasha men pavitrataapoorvak dharmaacharan karanaa, sharir aur man shuddh rakhanaa, saty bolana aur nishiddh padaarthon tatha kaaryon aadi ka tyaag karana
ExamplesUsage of Toilet in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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