Tomb meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tomb
As noun : कबुर Ex:  Gerasimov's expedition opened the tomb on June 19
कब्र Ex:  Upon opening the tomb उ:   ये इमारत की मुख्य कब्र है। ध्यानाभ्यास Ex:  The tomb was opened in antiquity उ:   वे घर भी ध्यानाभ्यास किया करती थीं। मरकद Ex:  They believe his tomb is located in Srinagar, Kashmir. मुरदा Ex:  1584. When Ivan's tomb was opened during renovations in the 1960s मृतगृह Ex:  Murdoch called the Shrine "a tomb of gloom". योगसमाधि Ex:  Many wonders of the tomb were described by a Chinese historian लहद Ex:  His tomb is now surrounded by those of the rest of the Grand Masters. लाहूत Ex:  Atossa then travels to the tomb of Darius व्युत्क्रांतसमापत्ति Ex:  The body was later buried in the Duarte family tomb in La Recoleta Cemetery व्य़ुत्थान Ex:  Hundreds of millions have visited his tomb since that date. समाधि Ex:  A replica of his simple Saint Helena tomb is also to be found at Les Invalides. उ:   उनकी समाधि उनके अनुयाइयों के लिये पवित्र है।
Other : कबर समाधि Ex:  He also constructed one of his finest buildings at the tomb of Ahmed Yesevi गोर Ex:  A tomb for them of honor! उ:   सबसे पहले यह बस्ती गोर ज़िले का उतना अहम् हिस्सा नहीं था। मकबरा Ex:  John states that when Mary looked into the tomb उ:   ईमाम नसीर का मकबरा करीबन आठ सौ साल पुराना है।
Tomb ki paribhasha : vah makaan ya imaarat jisake andar koi kabar ho vah gadhdha jisamen musalamaana, isaai, yahoodi aadi apane murde gaadte hain koi asnbhav ya asaadhy kaary karane ke liye udyog karana
Usage of Tomb in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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