Tongue meaning in hindi
As noun : अट्टसट्ट Ex: she cursed her unready tongue
अभिधानक Ex: Clean your tongue well. अवाज Ex: This areas native tongue is Hindi. इश्तियाल Ex: Clean your tongue well. उद्धम Ex: I studued my mother tongue as second language. औ Ex: The tongue of my shoe has fallen somewhere. कणीची Ex: The snake's tongue f licked out regularly . करषा Ex: The dog's tongue lolled out as it lay sleeping . क्ष्वेड Ex: Charles shared with France his mother tongue and many cultural forms. गजशुंड़ी Ex: Written in a language that is closely related to the modern Nobiin tongue गदयित्रु Ex: It appears that the red tongue serves a signalling function. घोकपु Ex: Vowels pronounced with the tongue lowered are at the bottom जबान Ex: For example, is at the bottom because the tongue is lowered in this position. जीभ Ex: German is the most widely spoken mother tongue उ: जीभ बड़े-बड़े नुकसान कर देती है। जुबान Ex: 575,560 in Quebec declare English as their mother tongue उ: ये जुबान के पक्के होते हैं। झनकाना Ex: Mauritian Creole is considered the native tongue of the country. ट Ex: 1887, his father died of tongue cancer. ड Ex: As these pidgins became the mother tongue of succeeding generations ढौरी Ex: Russian is the mother tongue of the majority of Bishkek dwellers निघुष्ट Ex: 25,155 whose native tongue is English निह्नाद Ex: As their mother tongue पर्यत Ex: A beef tongue बकार Ex: also said in speaking of a person whom one has no compassion: I would see her tongue out a foot long that I did not give a glass of water बजाना Ex: Anatomy Who is placed under the tongue बहिर्विष्ट पट्टी Ex: Cut a piece of cloth tongue बोली Ex: His tongue embarrassed, said, speaking with a person become unable to clearly articulate उ: यहाँ की बोली सर्वमान्य भाषा मानी जाने लगी। भाका Ex: His tongue thickens, His tongue embarrassed भाखा ‡ Ex: His tongue was embarrassed and he had to stop at the first words भाष Ex: I can not find the word of this enigma, I throw, I give my tongue to the dogs भाष Ex: I can not find the word of this enigma, I throw, I give my tongue to the dogs भाषण क्षमता Ex: I was going to say too much I bit his tongue about भाषा Ex: In terms Grammar, he says consonants formed by the different movements and the different positions of the tongue उ: ये भाषा जैसी बोली जाती है वैसी ही लिखी जाती है। भासा Ex: In terms of Carousel , This horse weapon against the bit, He puts his tongue to prevent the effect of the jaws मुखचीरी Ex: It is a viper's tongue रसग्रह Ex: It is said today rather Holding his tongue उ: रसज्ञाता को रसग्रह कहा गया है। रसमाता Ex: Pull the tongue, the tongue forward out of the mouth रसमातृका Ex: The dryness of the tongue is a sign of fever रस्ना Ex: The skin, tongue are covered with an infinity of small nipples रुनकाना Ex: The tongue wriggles him, he longed to talk to रूद् Ex: This circumstance finally loosened his tongue and he allowed to explain लउ Ex: This is a man who can hold his tongue लफज Ex: This is a man who does have his tongue लौ Ex: This patient is very weak ; one hardly hears speak, so his tongue thickens उ: सुर, मैदान, लव, या लौ - स्याही और किनारे के बीच का भाग। वग्नु Ex: This wine is very bitter to the tongue वर्णात्मा Ex: We play the mouth harp putting its two branches between the teeth and the tongue touching with the fingertip वाचकपद Ex: We say almost the same This news is on every tongue वाणि Ex: What is cut, carved in the shape of little tongue विक्षाव Ex: Who's Anatomy under the tongue and is used to make the organ of taste विश्वकद्रु Ex: , Have a word on the tongue, the tip of the tongue व्योमगुण Ex: , Just give her tongue to the dogs, renounce guess something शब्द Ex: , Just his tongue to the dogs उ: "हिन्दू" शब्द "सिन्धु" से बना माना जाता है। शब्दन Ex: , Taking out his tongue to someone, make him wait indefinitely for something he needs or wants that शिखिशिखा Ex: we say more generally: to hold his tongue श्रुतिविषय Ex: Aid of voice, tongue सखुनपरवर Ex: He must turn his tongue seven times in his mouth before speaking, must, before you speak, think carefully about सुई उ: कई पैमाने या सुई की तरह छोड़ दिया है। सुबंतपद स्कभन स्ना स्वरयोग
Other : काँटा Ex: 77% of Crimean inhabitants named Russian as their mother tongue जीभ, ज़बान Ex: The tongue moves with great speed जीह्या, रसना Ex: Spanish is the mother tongue of 1.7% of the population जीह्वा Ex: Charlemagne's native tongue is a matter of controversy. टुकड़ा Ex: Each nationality speaks a different native tongue but उ: सूखी खाँसी में इसका टुकड़ा मुख में रखने से लाभ होता है। पंचेंद्रिय Ex: Advanced tongue root is a feature common across much of Africa. बोल[व्यंग्य से Ex: Having the tongue loosed, Talking easily, abundantly बोलना Ex: He bit his tongue बोलने का ढंग Ex: Hebrew is a mother tongue रसना Ex: It must be taught to curb his tongue उ: रसना जल से बनी है क्योकि रस जल का ही गुण है। रसनेंद्रिय Ex: It speaks well his tongue
Tongue ki paribhasha : muanh se shabd nikaalana jamuna ke kinaare ki vah nikammi bhoomi jisamen kuchh upajata nahin pakke lohe ka chhota patala taar jisake ek chhor men bahut baarik chhed hota hai aur doosare chhor par tej nok hoti hai kisi baaje aadi par aaghaat pahuanchaakar athava hava ka jor pahuanchaakar usase shabd utpann karana vaayu men honevaala vah knp jo kisi padaarth par aaghaat padne ke kaaran athava svayn vaayu par aaghaat padne ke kaaran utpann hokar kaan ya shravanendriy tak pahuanchata auऱ usamen ek vishesh prakaar ka kshobh utpann karata hai vyakt naad ki vah samashti jisaki sahaayata se kisi ek samaaj ya desh ke log apane manogat bhaav tatha vichaar ek doosare par prakat karate hain muanh ke bhitar rahanevaale lnbe chipate maasapind ke aakaar ki vah indriy jisase katu, amla, tikt ityaadi rason ka anubhav aur shabdon ka uchchaaran hota hai
ExamplesUsage of Tongue in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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