Tool meaning in hindi
As noun : इंस्ट्रूमेंट Ex:  a witting tool of the Communists
उपकरण Ex:  the company is a leading tool maker. उ: नागदा से दस प्रकार के लोह उपकरण मिले हैं। उपकारण Ex:  Mohan is a tool in the hands of his master. कंगुल Ex:  A similar tool was called a TD tool. कडुआ Ex:  Gravitational lensing has developed into a tool of observational astronomy. कराग Ex:  Board games use as a central tool a board on which the players' status क्लिप Ex:  With a fixed-base router, the cut depth is set before the tool is turned on. खड़ना Ex:  A tool similar to a router चलाना Ex:  Radio has also been used by various groups as a tool in terrorism. चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  This field of phylogenetics is a powerful tool in evolutionary biology. ठोलना Ex:  The term is mostly used in three different contexts: when referring to a tool डगराना Ex:  The earliest methods of stone tool making तर्कशाट्र Ex:  This era of stone tool use is called the Paleolithic नषाना Ex:  01. A ruler or rule is a tool used in पंचशाख Ex:  Is art perhaps a tool of education पंजा Ex:  Engineering design is a very powerful tool to make changes to environment पानि ‡ Ex:  Ship reports were the only reliable tool for observing hurricanes at sea फलसाधन Ex:  The new migration tool बाँहना Ex:  As an instructional tool भुजदल Ex:  No matter what wood is selected or tool used मुचाना Ex:  Sometimes it is more interesting to leave the tool marks showing. रंदना Ex:  The chpax tool is deprecated in favor of paxctl. रखत Ex:  It generally views evolution as a tool used by God लवाजमात Ex:  It generally views evolution as a tool used by God लोकवर्तन Ex:  Credit emerged as a widespread tool of Spanish business in the 17th century. विछाडना Ex:  Art can also be used as a tool of Personality Test. संप्रवर्त्तन Ex:  ADS is an almost universally used research tool among astronomers सजाना Ex:  Thus, MIS is an important communication tool for managers . सवारी करना Ex:  In terms of Arts, or twin room, for ellipse, binoculars, female name, Each of the two parts, similar and similarly disposed, are components of a machine, a tool साजसजावट करना Ex:  In terms of sculpture, it refers to a tool with a wick, as the crankshaft, for drilling stone, marble, wood साजसामान Ex:  It also means the tool used to caulk साझना Ex:  It means, in terms of the Arts, a steel tool to cut the enamel nets साधन Ex:  It still says, by extension, a tool glazier, of miroitier, etc उ: भिण्ड के गाँव के लोगो के रोज़गार का साधन कृषि है। साधनक Ex:  Machine tool machine that does the work of one or several tools handled by a worker सिंगारना, सिँगारना Ex:  of Woodcut Accident happens when, forcing resistance Wood, the tool will plot escapes and a groove on another part of the board सियाक Ex:  proportion compass, tool consisting of two rules flat that open and close like a compass, and which serves to various dependent operations geometry proportions सूटना Ex:  RABOT also said of a tool that is used to join different metals and polish, or are making nets and moldings हँड़वाना Ex:  The library as a useful working tool हत्त Ex:  This tool, this tool does not clamp, Do not understand well हथकड़ा Ex:  tool हथड़ा Ex:  , it sounds the l it pronounces point in the others, such as eyebrow, tool barrel हथियार उठाना Ex:  Arts tool used for deburring हथ्थ हस्तपुच्छ हाँथ हाथ उ: उनके एक हाथ में त्रिशूल और एक हाथ में डमरू था। हाथि हैंड उ: इस नगर के मुख्य उत्पाद चमड़ा,खेल और हैंड टूल्स हैं।
Other : औज़ार Ex:  You need a special tool to oepn this lock. उ: पड़ोसी औज़ार और लॉन-मूवर जैसे संसाधनों को भी मिलकर इस्तेमाल करते हैं। औजार Ex:  a specialized tool उ: खेती के औजार मुख्य रूप से लोहे से बने होते थे। औज़ार Ex:  Computer has become a tool in every field of work. कठपुतली{स्वार्थ साधन} Ex:  Although SPECT is not a diagnostic tool itself यंत्र Ex:  The latter remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions उ: राज्य का शासन यंत्र शीघ्र ही ठप पड़ जाएगा। शस्त्र Ex:  ADS is an extremely powerful research tool उ: रासायनिक शस्त्र निषेध संगठन। हथियार Ex:  d'Arts boring tool for उ: यह उस समय का सबसे प्रमुख हथियार था।
Tool ki paribhasha : taantrikon ke anusaar kuchh vishisht prakaar se bane hue aakaar ya koshthak aadi, jinamen kuchh ank ya akshar aadi likhe rahate hain aur jinake anek prakaar ke phal maane jaate hain haath se pakadkar kaam men laane ki saadhanavastu ve yntr jinase vaigyaanika, injiniyara, chhaatra, lohaara, badhai aadi apana kaam karate hain haath ya pair ki paaanchon uangaliyon ka samooha, saadhaaranataः hatheli ke saahit haath ki aur talave ke agale bhaag ke saahit pair ki paaanchon uangaliyaaan manushya, bndar aadi praaniyon ka vah dndakaar avayav jisamen ve vastuon ko pakadte ya chhoote hain pretaadi aatmaaon ko bulaane ya vashibhoot karanevaala
ExamplesUsage of Tool in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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