Topic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Topic
As noun : अम्र Ex:  he dropped the topic like a hot potato
उपदंशित Ex:  Please give your valuable feedback on this topic कार्यवस्तु Ex:  he kept drifting off the topic प्रसंग Ex:  It is a forbidden topic by the Chinese government. उ:   विष्णु पुराण में इसी प्रसंग का उल्लेख है। बिषय Ex:  The published literature on that topic shows large discrepancies बिषै Ex:  For a list of articles related to this topic मुलाकात Ex:  Bateson revisited the topic in his 1979 book Mind and Nature: A Necessary Unity उ:   यह मुलाकात मार्च १८७३ में कलकत्ता में हुई। रतिलक्ष Ex:  He published several medical papers on the topic रतिसंयोग Ex:  Much of his energy was devoted to the topic of oaths वार्त्ता Ex:  It was the central topic in the famous Bohr-Einstein debates वार्त्ता Ex:  It was the central topic in the famous Bohr-Einstein debates विषय Ex:  Supercritical water has recently been a topic of research. उ:   शब्द-मूल, शब्दावली, और शब्द निरुक्त के विषय हैं। विषयीय Ex:  Although the nation's attitude toward the topic seemed to be liberalizing सब्जेक्ट Ex:  The battle of Normandy has been the topic of many films समीचक Ex:  Katyn was a forbidden topic in postwar Poland. स्त्रीभोग Ex:  Exactly which island in the Bahamas this corresponds to is an unresolved topic स्त्रीसंग Ex:  The Imamate is an important topic in Ibadi legal literature स्त्रीसंभोग Ex:  He lectured on the topic in 1854 at the Royal Institution स्त्रीसंसर्ग Ex:  Stories and narrative are not restricted to any topic स्त्रीसमागम Ex:  The famine remains a politically-charged topic
Other : अवधारणीय Ex:  He churns out papers, but they are all about the same topic अवधार्य Ex:  this topic was popularly discussed टॉपिक Ex:  The teacher gave me a topic for the debate. उ:   इसमें पहला टॉपिक ‘संक्रमणशील समाज’ है। प्रकरण Ex:  Leong brought up the topic and accused Tsang of angering Friedman to death. उ:   इसमें दो अध्याय और छह प्रकरण हैं।
Topic ki paribhasha : kisi vishay ko samajhane ya samajhaane ke liye usapar vaad vivaad karana saarthak shabd ya vaaky vah bad pradesh jisapar koi shaasan vyavastha ho stri-purusha- snyog
Usage of Topic in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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