Torpedo meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Torpedo
As noun : जहाज़ तोड़ने का गोला Ex:  20 "Kate" torpedo bombers
टौर्पीडो से हमला करना Ex:  SAAB Underwater Systems is manufacturing the Torpedo 2000. This torpedo टौर्पीडो Ex:  These comprised two squadrons each of dive-bombers and torpedo bombers पिस्तौल से हत्या करने वाला व्यावसायिक हत्यारा Ex:  Japanese naval land-based torpedo bombers पूरी तरह से नष्ट कर देना Ex:  Active sonar is decoyed by amplifying and returning "pings" from the torpedo
Other : एक प्रकार की मछली Ex:  Until the development of the homing torpedo in World War Two जहाज तोडने का गोला Ex:  Ballistic missiles can also be fired from a submarine's torpedo tubes जहाज तोड़ने का गोला Ex:  In June 1890 Peral's submarine launched a torpedo while submerged. टारपीडो Ex:  On the other hand, the Japanese only lost 116 men and 3 torpedo boats. उ:   अब तोप, टारपीडो और हवाई जहाज ये तीन मुख्य आयुध हैं। तारपीडो Ex:  After two torpedo hits उ:   तारपीडो अनेक प्रकार के होते हैं। बरबाद करना Ex:  At 05:56 Dace made four torpedo hits on the heavy cruiser Maya . विफल करना Ex:  ''Phoenix'', ''Boise'', 28 destroyers and 39 motor torpedo boats boats. व्यर्थ करना Ex:  Action to torpedo
Usage of Torpedo in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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