Totally meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Totally
As noun : एककलम Ex:  Butchers are totally rotters.
पूरी तरह से Ex:  He shuffled as he was totally exhausted. बलीयस् Ex:  Primitivism is a modern philosophy totally opposed to civilization. भूरपूर Ex:  Btrieve was totally rewritten and on July 1
As adverb : ऊभचूभ Ex:  Communalism in India is totally unconstitutional. पूर्ण रूप से Ex:  I am totally disgusted with Ellen . हर तरह से Ex:  Kiev was totally destroyed in 1240. On the Ukrainian territory
Other : पूर्णतः Ex:  The voting was not totally democratic उ:   इसमें अशोककालीन गृहशिल्प की पूर्णतः रक्षा हुई है। संपूर्ण Ex:  Fallujah was totally devastated during the fighting उ:   उनकी संपूर्ण आकृति ॐ कार स्वरूप जैसी दिखती है।
Usage of Totally in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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