Tough meaning in hindi
As noun : अगह Ex: It was tough for the army to fight a determined enemy.
अघोर Ex: Our security forces are having a tough time fighting the extremists. अटपट Ex: Police are tough with the criminals. अठाई० Ex: There was a tough contest for the leadership. अड़बड़ Ex: Being a stockman is a very tough animal. अड़भंगी Ex: In spite of tough competition in soap market, they succeeded in promoting their product. अधघट Ex: The horse was tough to break
If the new teacher wont break, well add some stress
Break a circuit अनहड़ Ex: To climb the peak during the winter months was a tough venture. अनिष्टशंका Ex: Her garden is bordered on three sides by a tough hedge. अरिष्ट Ex: Yes, just hang tough . असंपत्ति Ex: This meat is tough as an old boot . आलक्षण्य Ex: It's a tough call, but I choose Fred and Mary . उपताप Ex: Agent Sue Mengers said he was a very tough dealmaker. उपद्रवी Ex: Wild apparently served as Milliner's tough when she went night-walking. कठिन Ex: Pericles compelled the rebels to capitulate after a tough siege of eight months उ: यह कठिन परिस्थितियों को भी सह लेता है। कठेठ, कठेठा Ex: Their meat is dark and stringy, like a tough cut of beef. कमबख्ती Ex: It was the "Rhino" because of the long nose and tough titanium construction कालकर्णिका, कालकर्णी Ex: Green, an extremely tough and resourseful man. कुढ़ब Ex: After a tough four-set win against Andrei Pavel कृफेर Ex: These are not tough combat missions. गुंडा Ex: A tough metal गुण्डा Ex: A tough metal ग्राहिणी Ex: do Laws would know too tough against such crimes चंड़ Ex: figuratively, it means Making hard and tough like bronze चिमडा़ Ex: He said specifically talking tough Things चीमड़ Ex: He took out a strong tough job ठयापा Ex: It also means dry, hard and tough to थीन Ex: It has the tough speech, the brief speech, slow speech, clean speech, the word embarrassed, hard दकीक Ex: It is also used figuratively and colloquially to describe a stingy and tough Leader company that treats its employees like slaves दुःखछिन्न Ex: The flesh of this animal is very tough दुतार Ex: This sauce is very tough we did not spare the salt, pepper दुरुह Ex: Times are tough ; Life is hard, Various conditions make some people, certain classes of society have difficulty living दुर्दैव Ex: Zoology Whose wing covers are tough and partly membranous दुर्भाग्य Ex: , can not suffer a scratch, be tough or too little delicate उ: दुर्भाग्य से वह मानचित्र आज हमारे पास नहीं है। दुश्वार Ex: , in a cold liquid to make it tough and elastic दुष्कर यात्रा Ex: , Make output to someone Make it tough reprimand, say suddenly something very hard दैवदोष Ex: It is also said fibers of meat, vegetables, when long and tough धमारो धाँधाली धीँग धीँगरा धीँगा पोढा़ फितूरी बदनसीबी बेँड़ा भाग्यविपर्यय, भाग्यविप्लव मंदभाग्य मुश्किल उ: वयस्कों में इस विकारके लक्षण पता करना ज्यादा मुश्किल नहीं है। मुस्टंडा मुहाल मोहाल वज्रमय विधिविपर्यय विषमलक्ष्मी शामल सक्कस सशल्य सौखी ‡
If the new teacher wont break, well add some stress
Break a circuit अनहड़ Ex: To climb the peak during the winter months was a tough venture. अनिष्टशंका Ex: Her garden is bordered on three sides by a tough hedge. अरिष्ट Ex: Yes, just hang tough . असंपत्ति Ex: This meat is tough as an old boot . आलक्षण्य Ex: It's a tough call, but I choose Fred and Mary . उपताप Ex: Agent Sue Mengers said he was a very tough dealmaker. उपद्रवी Ex: Wild apparently served as Milliner's tough when she went night-walking. कठिन Ex: Pericles compelled the rebels to capitulate after a tough siege of eight months उ: यह कठिन परिस्थितियों को भी सह लेता है। कठेठ, कठेठा Ex: Their meat is dark and stringy, like a tough cut of beef. कमबख्ती Ex: It was the "Rhino" because of the long nose and tough titanium construction कालकर्णिका, कालकर्णी Ex: Green, an extremely tough and resourseful man. कुढ़ब Ex: After a tough four-set win against Andrei Pavel कृफेर Ex: These are not tough combat missions. गुंडा Ex: A tough metal गुण्डा Ex: A tough metal ग्राहिणी Ex: do Laws would know too tough against such crimes चंड़ Ex: figuratively, it means Making hard and tough like bronze चिमडा़ Ex: He said specifically talking tough Things चीमड़ Ex: He took out a strong tough job ठयापा Ex: It also means dry, hard and tough to थीन Ex: It has the tough speech, the brief speech, slow speech, clean speech, the word embarrassed, hard दकीक Ex: It is also used figuratively and colloquially to describe a stingy and tough Leader company that treats its employees like slaves दुःखछिन्न Ex: The flesh of this animal is very tough दुतार Ex: This sauce is very tough we did not spare the salt, pepper दुरुह Ex: Times are tough ; Life is hard, Various conditions make some people, certain classes of society have difficulty living दुर्दैव Ex: Zoology Whose wing covers are tough and partly membranous दुर्भाग्य Ex: , can not suffer a scratch, be tough or too little delicate उ: दुर्भाग्य से वह मानचित्र आज हमारे पास नहीं है। दुश्वार Ex: , in a cold liquid to make it tough and elastic दुष्कर यात्रा Ex: , Make output to someone Make it tough reprimand, say suddenly something very hard दैवदोष Ex: It is also said fibers of meat, vegetables, when long and tough धमारो धाँधाली धीँग धीँगरा धीँगा पोढा़ फितूरी बदनसीबी बेँड़ा भाग्यविपर्यय, भाग्यविप्लव मंदभाग्य मुश्किल उ: वयस्कों में इस विकारके लक्षण पता करना ज्यादा मुश्किल नहीं है। मुस्टंडा मुहाल मोहाल वज्रमय विधिविपर्यय विषमलक्ष्मी शामल सक्कस सशल्य सौखी ‡
As adjective : अघोर Ex: Our security forces are having a tough time fighting the extremists. अनमनीय Ex: Its tough to understand the metalanguage spoken on shop floors. अवच्छुरित Ex: Things are really getting tough . उग्रदंड Ex: Some of those bikers are really tough customers . उडंड Ex: Sorry, you'll just have to tough it out . उद्दण्ड Ex: It's tough for people who need approval to see somebody who doesn't. कठुर Ex: Temujin grew up observing the tough political climate of Mongolia कठेठ, कठेठा Ex: Their meat is dark and stringy, like a tough cut of beef. कठोर Ex: "Felt managed to please Hoover by being tactful with him and tough on agents". उ: इनके बीच एक कठोर तथा व्यवस्थित अनुशासन रहता है। कमठान Ex: Shaka was clearly a tough कर्कस Ex: Their uniforms and coats of grey helped enhance their tough appearance. क्रक्कस Ex: While the adjustment to VAT has been a tough one ग्राव Ex: A tough player, a man with whom he is not good to discuss, fight चंड़ Ex: figuratively, it means Making hard and tough like bronze दारुण Ex: It's a tough critic, very difficult उ: इस रोग में दारुण पीड़ा होती है। दारुनि Ex: Natural History He was a tough material which is believed it was used to link together the component parts of a solid body, such as stones, etc दु Ex: The ear is a tough judge दुःखछिन्न Ex: The flesh of this animal is very tough निविरीश निविरीस पर्ष पोढा़ भृशदारुण लोचनपरुप वज्रमय वज्रहृदय विरुक्ष व्यायत संकीन साधिष्ठ
Other : कडा Ex: A tough realism came forth in architecture as in literature. कड़ा Ex: A long, tough task मजबूत उ: भारत में वंशवाद अपनी जड़े मजबूत कर चुका है। सख्त उ: रिकॉर्डिंग सत्रों को वाटर्स द्वारा तय एक सख्त समय-सारिणी पर रखा गया।
Tough ki paribhasha : do shabd ka snkshipt roop jo samaas banaane ke kaam men aata hai
ExamplesUsage of Tough in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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