Towards meaning in hindi
As noun : की ओर Ex:  Everything gravitates towards the ground.
की तरफ़ से Ex:  He dribbled the football towards the goalkeeper. की तरफ़ Ex:  Birds homed towards their nests के पास Ex:  The teacher is tendentious towards Rahul. के प्रति Ex:  She feels maternal towards him. के लिए Ex:  He jettisoned his responsibilities towards his family. होते होते Ex:  French artillery pounded towards the men में उ: २००० में तीन नए राज्य बनाए गए।
Other : अभिमुख Ex:  The lecture was boring and many students slipped out when the instructor turned towards the blackboard ओर Ex:  We proceeded towards Washington उ: किले के चारों ओर सात तालाब तथा आठ दरवाजे हैं। तरफ Ex:  The flotila of warships proceeded towards the enemiys coast. उ: यह किला चारों तरफ से ऊंची दीवारों से घिरा है। तरफ़ Ex:  He always behaves fiendishly towards his subordinates. दिशा में Ex:  Some tenents have feality towards the landlord. विषय में Ex:  Kiev and Odessa and E105 towards Petrozavodsk सम्बन्ध में Ex:  Murmansk and Kirkenes and towards Moscow and Kharkiv .
ExamplesUsage of Towards in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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