Toy meaning in hindi
As noun : अदीर्घ Ex: couldnt keep her eyes off the wanted toy
अनुत्कट Ex: a toy stove क्रीडन Ex: His latest toy is a computer. क्रीडनक Ex: Try to amuse the child with this little toy . क्रीड़ा भाँड Ex: "Children as young as 18 months display sex-stereotyped toy choices". खर्वित Ex: In 2005, toy sales in the United States totaled about $22.9 billion. खाँगो Ex: A popular toy of this type is the Teddy Bear. खिलौना Ex: Promotional toys can fall into any of the other toy categories उ: फिर वह खिलौना हाथ से दबाती है। खिलौने का Ex: Before disposal of any battery-operated toy खेल करना Ex: It has been featured in numerous toy lines खेलना Ex: Riddled with debt, Nintendo struggled to survive in the Japanese toy industry उ: आमरे ने अय्यर को क्रिकेट खेलना सिखाया। गिरैयाँ Ex: A child playing with such a toy could re-discover the Platonic solids छुटका Ex: All acts toy for young animals छोटका Ex: By extension, it is said of a child's toy consisting of a rubber and a small Fork छोटा Ex: Child toy contained a big nest egg and short swinging, when pushed, but remains balanced on a rounded base उ: लक्जमबर्ग पश्चिम यूरोप का एक छोटा सा देश है। टोलिया Ex: It also says a child's toy that represents reducing these dolls तुच्छ बात Ex: It also says a toy comprising equipment adapted to the size of children and fixed on a cardboard दहृ Ex: It means colloquially Figure lead or cut paper that serves as a toy for children and also Figure drawn carelessly ध्वांतशत्रु Ex: It refers, by analogy, a children's toy collection that reproduce in reducing the main species of animals निघृष्व Ex: Lead Soldier Lead Small toy representing a soldier बालक्रीड़नक Ex: Small figure of cardboard and colored, which is made to move members by means of a wire and used toy मनोरंजन के लिए Ex: Take this in your nice little toy handcuffs मर्यक Ex: The handle of an automobile, a toy मुख्तसर Ex: The rod of a toy मौलिक Ex: This child so fiddled his toy at the end he broke उ: वस्तुतः यह ग्रन्थ नाट्यसंविधान तथा रससिद्धान्त की मौलिक संहिता है। लहुअ ‡ Ex: , to serve as a toy for children लोबत विक्रीड समसन साँकड़भीड़ो स्तोककाय स्माल स्लल्पीयस हल्के दाम की वस्तु हृस्व बनावटी वस्तु या खेलने में प्रयोग हो
As verb : ऊपरी तौर से दिलचस्पी लेना Ex: He plays with a toy gun. टूँगना Ex: It also means a Grosse spherical ball made of a thin film of inflated rubber gas and serves as a toy for children
Other : खिलोना Ex: Wind-up toys have also played a part in the advancement of toy vehicles. खेलौना Ex: Drosselmeyer then produces a toy Nutcracker छोटी बात Ex: I do not want to be his toy तुच्छ वस्तु Ex: It is also said of a machine Species made with fabric or paper and pasted on extended chopsticks, used toy for children बनावटी वस्तु[खेलने में प्रयोग हो Ex: MUSIC is said again, colloquially, a child's toy that imitates the sound of a particular instrument
Toy ki paribhasha : kaatha, moma, mitti, kapade aadi ki bani hui moorti ya isi prakaar ki aur koi chij jisase baalak khelate hain jo badai ya vistaar men kam ho keval chitt ki umng se athava man bahalaane ya vyaayaam ke liye idhar udhar uchhalanaa, kudanaa, daudna aadi chaupaayon ka tahani ke sire ki komal pattiyon ko daaant se kaatana
ExamplesUsage of Toy in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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