Trace meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Trace
As noun : अनुगमन करना Ex:  he speaks French with a trace of an accent
अनुरेख Ex:  There is a trace of adulteration in the food. अनुरेखण करना Ex:  He disappeared without a trace अनुसारण Ex:  You have to trace the bag which you have misplaced. अफजूँ Ex:  The fire burned up the papers and left no trace . अभूरि Ex:  I lost trace of Walter after we left high school . अवशेष Ex:  The red trace makes each petal look as if it is being divided in half. उ:   आज भी यहां उस नगरी के अवशेष मौजूद हैं। इनेगिने Ex:  This allows for storing different trace paths that start on the same address इशारत Ex:  If there is a miss, a new trace starts to be built. इसारत Ex:  Most Brazilians can trace their ancestry to the country's indigenous peoples ईमा Ex:  The shell itself may contain a number of trace elements उपक्षेपण Ex:  Genealogists trace his line back to Germany in the 1600s . काँइ Ex:  0.2 mg vitamin B6 and trace amounts of thiamin किंविद Ex:  Ukraine and Belarus trace their origins कुछ Ex:  No trace of this island now remains. उ:   दिल्ली जैसे कुछ क्षेत्रों में भी कुछ ऐसा ही है। केइक Ex:  The atmosphere contains trace amounts of methane केउक Ex:  It could not find any trace of this kind of motion केऊ Ex:  The Abrahamic religions trace their origin to Judaism चारिक Ex:  Sephardic Jews can trace their tradition back to the Mediterranean countries जोता Ex:  Scent glands located between a wolf's toes leave trace chemical markers behind उ:   कुरू ने जिस क्षेत्र को बार-बार जोता था, उसका नाम कुरूक्षेत्र पड़ा। निशान Ex:  The oldest known trace fossils of embryophytes date from the Ordovician उ:   इस वर्नियर में आधे मिलीमीटर के निशान होते हैं। निस्सान Ex:  Many trace the present worldwide domination of Vedanta to his works. नीसान Ex:  In 1924 trace amounts of iodine in form of sodium iodide पता लगा Ex:  Both institutions trace their origins to the same institution. बाँधने वाला Ex:  Follow the trace horses बिरले Ex:  I do not find the slightest trace in my memory यत्किंचित् Ex:  I'll trace your route रुप रेखा प्रस्तुत करना Ex:  In terms of Drawing and paint, it denotes the trace of a first idea we wanted to correct लोत Ex:  It sometimes means Brand, trace of something विचेष्टित Ex:  It still means Assign, trace विनिमेष, विनिमेषण Ex:  Mathematicians say that the line is the trace of a moving point विप्लुट् Ex:  RELATE also said, especially in terms of Art, some lines that trace to serve as marks विलेभा Ex:  Speaking of Cerf, one says Way, and, speaking of the Boar, The trace संकार ‡ Ex:  The scale of a thermometer, a barometer, the series of divisions or degrees we trace on these instruments for measuring expansions, contractions or movements experienced by the liquid they contain संकेत Ex:  The trace is still fresh उ:   जैसे आंकिक संकेत प्रसंस्करण, रैखिक इष्टतमकरण। संकेतग्रह, संकेतग्रहण Ex:  The trace that a ship leaves behind him as he advances सुनगुन Ex:  This design is not well marked, we must trace the सुराग Ex:  Thunder fell into this place, we still see the traces, the trace उ:   इसके अनुसार ये पृथ्वी पर जीवन के सबसे प्राचीन सुराग हैं। हस्तसंज्ञा Ex:  To disappear without a trace
As verb : किसी मानचित्र आदि की नकल उतारना Ex:  About half of the islanders can trace their roots back to Pitcairn Island.
Other : खोज लगाना Ex:  If they existed, all trace of them seems to have vanished in later resurfacing. खोज Ex:  David's, trace their ancestry to Native Americans. उ:   बाकी मंदिर या उनके अवशेषों की खोज अभी जारी है। गंध Ex:  The examination revealed a trace amount of the drug hydroxyzine . उ:   अमोनिया एक तीक्ष्म गंध वाली रंगहीन गैस है। चिन्ह Ex:  There is very little trace of the Arawak culture उ:   प्लेट सफेद रंग की थी और उसमें बीच में कौरनल का लाल रंग का चिन्ह था। चिह्न करना Ex:  The transition metals are usually present as trace elements in organisms जोत Ex:  There is no trace of the lists for Mark and John. जड़ें खोज निकालना Ex:  Nelson can trace his genealogy back to the American Revolutionary War ढूँढना Ex:  The British Peerage may trace its origins as far back as the Anglo-Saxon times. नामोनिशां Ex:  His oil paintings trace the progress from an uncertain young man निशानी Ex:  The heads of the mathas trace their authority back to these figures. पता लगाना Ex:  Many Korean family clans trace their origins to Gyeongju पता Ex:  The Gyeongju Choe and Lee clans also trace their ancestry to the Silla elites. उ:   उन्हें सीता माता का पता लगाना मुश्किल लग रहा था। पद Ex:  About 300,000 people trace their roots to the Middle East. उ:   राजा का पद पैतृक था। पदचिन्ह Ex:  Some behavior analytic models trace some depressions to childhood . उ:   लोगों की आस्था है कि यह पदचिन्ह भगवान श्रीराम के है। पदचिन्हावली Ex:  A growing area of interest is the effect upon human health of trace chemicals पैर के चिह्न से पता लगाना Ex:  A large number of minor and trace gases are also found in volcanic emissions पैर के चिह्न Ex:  Cerf pacer, Whose trace रेखा खींचना Ex:  Raise the plan of land, property, of a place, take the necessary steps to trace the plan, plot the लक्षण Ex:  It also means that the trace left on the body contusion, injury, burns or skin rash to उ:   इस रोग का विशेष लक्षण मल के साथ रक्त आना है। लेश Ex:  It is no trace of this event in the history उ:   उनके विचार में कहीं भी लेश मात्र भी निराशा का भाव नहीं है। लेशमात्र Ex:  It sees in him no trace of the good education he received
Trace ki paribhasha : vah lakshan jisase kisi chij ki pahachaan ho vah chamade ka tasma ya rassi jisaka ek sira ghode, bail aadi jote jaanevaala jaanavaron ke gale men aur doosara sira us chij men bandha rahata hai jisamen jaanavar jote jaate hain kisi padaarth ki vah visheshata jisake dvaara vah pahachaana jaay mitti ka gilaava jo divaar par lagaane ke liye banaaya jaata hai kisi vishesh sthaan ka aisa parichay jisake sahaare us tak pahuancha athava usaki sthiti jaani ja sake lakshan jisase koi chij pahachaani jaay apana bhaav prakat karane ke liye kiya hua kaayik parichaalan ya cheshta juaathe men bandhi hui vah patali rassi jisamen bailon ki garadan phansaayi jaati hai
Usage of Trace in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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