Track meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Track
As noun : अँटना Ex:  The workman pushed the point to put the train on the other track
अँधिआरी Ex:  It was a cold hunting to track down the stolen goods. अनुप्रज्ञान Ex:  The track gave way which resulted in the rail-accident. अनुसारण Ex:  She is taking part in the track events. अपवाड़ Ex:  the track record for the mile and a half at Belmont is 2 minutes 24 seconds held by Secretariat since 1973 अबली Ex:  The train on this track has a steam loco. एवेन्यू Ex:  We followed the track of our friends vehicle. खड़ना Ex:  I know I can keep on track . खाड़ेती Ex:  Tom has lost track of his glasses again . खोज निकालना Ex:  You are on the right track to find the answer . खोज लगाना Ex:  Please get this discussion on track . गच्छाना Ex:  The track "Most of the Time" ग्रामोफोन रेकार्ड के भाग Ex:  Ben Gage was hired to rerecord Barry White's voice track चक्रपट्टी जिसके कारण टैंक आदि ऊँची नीची भूमि पर चलते हैं Ex:  In practice scorers also keep track of other matters चरणचार Ex:  The stadium had a straight running track of 232 meters चलणा Ex:  The track cycling events were held at the newly built Neo Phaliron Velodrome. चलना Ex:  Frenchman Paul Masson was the best cyclist on the track उ:   विशिष्ट गर्मियों के मौसम में गर्म हवा के झोंकों का चलना आम बात है। चल्लना Ex:  A test track for a tracked hovercraft system was built at Earith near Cambridge चहीला Ex:  Billy and Kate track them down to the local theatre झीर Ex:  Piazzi had only been able to track Ceres for a couple of months टुरन Ex:  The track features local categories on most weekends. ट्रैक Ex:  Such track would be much more expensive to build and maintain. उ:   उसका ट्रैक रिकॉर्ड ही बोलता है। ठट्ट Ex:  Motor racing events are held on a special purpose track in Irungattukottai ठोहना Ex:  Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas track Merry and Pippin डड़ीच Ex:  CN and CP operate a combined 2,439 kilometres of track within Manitoba. डहर Ex:  The two had a series of controversial clashes on and off the track तय करना Ex:  Schumacher ran off the track while leading. तरीक Ex:  This second track measures 76 cm long तरीक़ा Ex:  Whether or not the track was made by Tyrannosaurus is unclear उ:   "नोम" केवल "नाम" बोलने का ताजिकी तरीक़ा है। दामन् Ex:  Dennis's track began to wobble. दीशा Ex:  Outside of the central track दौडने का मार्ग Ex:  There are two seasons for track and field. द्रोणगंधिका Ex:  The table officials are responsible for keeping track of each teams scoring धूर्तमानुषा Ex:  This track was representative for the band’s theatrical performances पंकत Ex:  The title track was well-received. पंक्ति Ex:  Laid similar to normal track उ:   यह सब पंक्ति नृत्य के कारण ही हुआ है। पंडी Ex:  By keeping track of the cards that have already been played पंथड़ा Ex:  Schumacher then learned the track on his own पटड़ी Ex:  The track features an Avestan language verse from the Gathas. पटरी Ex:  After Cauty had laid down a basic track उ:   आवाज की पटरी को १९३८ में बदल दिया गया। पट्टी Ex:  Tally-marks: To keep track of their flocks उ:   सैफई में एक हवाई पट्टी स्थित है। पता लगाना Ex:  Alexander's successor, Antipater, sent his men to track Demosthenes down. पथत् Ex:  The total amount of railroad track in Ukraine extends for 22,473 km पद चिन्ह Ex:  Loomis's attempts to track and stop him. पदक्रम Ex:  To allow for track or forecast uncertainties पदविक्षेप Ex:  Besides basketball, Russell represented USF in track and field events. परांचा Ex:  Reconnaissance Aircraft provided the track of the surface circulation पादन्यास Ex:  Such a track greatly gathered the attention of many people पादपद्धति Ex:  The "Albuquerque" track from Running with Scissors is 11 minutes and 23 seconds पीछा करना Ex:  The CD contained one new original track पीछे लगाना Ex:  Other motorways are planned but their final track is yet to be decided. पेंड Ex:  The revival followed the same track as its disappearance. प्रतिसरा Ex:  Special trains are also used for track maintenance प्रत्यवमर्श Ex:  Each side of the board has a track of 12 long triangles, called points. प्रदिपद् Ex:  Another notable track athlete from Suriname was Tommy Asinga. प्रस्थावा Ex:  On the synonomously named track by Canadian band Arcade Fire प्लोत Ex:  The track "Spirit in the Night" especially showed Morrison's influence मारुंड Ex:  The track entered a team in the 1931 Northern league. मार्ग Ex:  Popular sports are football, track and field, handball and basketball. उ:   यह झील अजमेर-पुष्कर मार्ग पर है। रँहि Ex:  Well-known for its popular title track रस्ता Ex:  Dogs are on the road, on the tracks, track end to उ:   कहीं-कहीं सड़क अपना ही रस्ता दो-तीन बार काट जाती है। रास्ता Ex:  Dogs are on the road, on the tracks, track end to उ:   इन दोनों के विचार और रास्ता बेशक अलग-अलग है। रील Ex:  Feel far to track रोड Ex:  Follow a man on the track उ:   झील के दूसरी ओर ठंडी रोड है। लकीर Ex:  Follow the trail, track उ:   जब कि लकीर रेत पर कभी भी खींची हुई नहीं थी। लीक Ex:  Follow the trail, track उ:   लीक किया गया संस्करण काफी अधूरा था। वट्ट Ex:  Follow thieves to track वट्टा Ex:  Fossil Coal, training recent, which keeps track of herbal substances वर्तनि Ex:  He also said, by analogy, velvety Trimmings that mimics the track and which is used in embroidery and other ornaments वर्तम Ex:  hub, turning Platform on itself and for passing from one meaning to another, or from one track to another locomotives and wagons वस्क Ex:  Hunting Man employed to track the game वाहन के दो पहियों के बीच के अन्दर का हिस्सा Ex:  It also said the Trace and track beasts विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex:  It followed these thieves to the track विप्रयाण Ex:  It is on track to succeed वेष्य Ex:  It is on track to succeed श्रेणि Ex:  It is said in the same direction Mule track सँचरना Ex:  It is, by extension, any line or track that runs, or you can go, to get from one place to another संगरण Ex:  It says also in terms of hunting, the track changes that Dog सन्निवेश Ex:  Music Music track is to be sung by two votes or executed by two instruments समश्रेणि Ex:  Music track or passage of a piece of music, in which different parts follow, succeed and seem to escape and continue in turn, repeating the same subject according to established rules सरणि, सरणी Ex:  of Forestry Whoever track of laies in a forest, or who we want to mark the wood layer सिरात Ex:  Railways Pass a train moving on a track other सृंका Ex:  The case is on track पथ उ:   दोनों ही मामलों में एक पूरा पाचन पथ पाया जाता है।
As verb : का पता लगाना Ex:  She has a good track record of her work. फिल्म खींचते समय कैमरा के साथ चलना Ex:  A typical railway track consists of two parallel steel rails
Other : खोज़ निकालना Ex:  He plunged into his work and lost track of time . ख़ोज Ex:  Many fine track and field athletes ख़ोजचिन्ह Ex:  Dylan contributed vocals to the track "Street Rock". घसीट Ex:  2006. The track was featured on the Saw III soundtrack डगर Ex:  While 4,420 miles of track have been built in the state दौड़ने का मार्ग Ex:  Cookies are also used to track users across a website. पगडंडी Ex:  James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens was an African American track and field athlete. पगडण्डी Ex:  The Dubai Metro will have 70 kilometers of track and 43 stations पगड़ंड़ी Ex:  The country was believed to be on the fast track to development. पदचिन्ह Ex:  The game keeps track of the player's completed percentage of the storyline उ:   पर्वत के शिखर पर एक शीला में पदचिन्ह बना हुआ देखा जा सकता है। पदचिह्न Ex:  The track "Out of My Mind" was used as the theme song for the movie The Saint पदचिह्नों से पता लगाना Ex:  If he is on the right track पांव की खोज पर चलना Ex:  The title track "Falling into You" and "River Deep फ़ासला Ex:  The title track gained airplay in several radio formats
Track ki paribhasha : vah chihn jo chalane ke samay pairon se jamin par ban jaata hai jngal ya maidaan men vah patala raasta jo logon ke chalate chalate ban gaya ho vyavahaar ya kaary aadi ki riti aisa samooh jisamen bahut si visheshataः ek hi ya ek hi prakaar ki vastuean ek doosare ke uparaant ek sidh men hon shatarnj ya chausar aadi khelon men kisi mohare ya goti aadi ko apane sthaan se badhaana ya hataanaa, athava taash ya gnjiphe aadi khelon men kisi patte ko khel ke kaamon ke liye sab khelanevaalon ke saamane phenkana matiyaale rng ki ek chidiya jo battakh se kuchh chhoti hoti hai kaath ka patala aur lnbotara takhta kalam aadi ke dvaara athava aur kisi prakaar bani hui vah sidhi aakrati jo bahut door tak ek hi sidh men chali gai ho ek gahana jo pagadi men lagaaya jaata hai
Usage of Track in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
Word of the day

Shivkumar mishra 23 March, 2025 Very good answer
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