Tragedy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tragedy
As noun : त्रासदी Ex:  Hamlet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare उ:   इस त्रासदी से सभी हतप्रभ और शोक मग्न रह जाते हैं।
थियेटर की शाखा Ex:  Aristotle taught that tragedy is composed of six elements: plot-structure दुःखद घटना Ex:  They experienced much personal tragedy in raising their children. दुःखान्त नाटक Ex:  Some time after the tragedy surrounding her daughter Daria's birth दुर्भाग्य घटना Ex:  For more on French tragedy of the 16th and 17th centuries दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना Ex:  He is often recognized as the father or the founder of tragedy
Other : दु-खद घटना Ex:  It would be a much bigger tragedy दुखद Ex:  Tierney's tragedy had been well publicized for years previously. उ:   उदाहरण के लिए बाल्यकाल में हुई कोई दुखद घटना, दंड आदि। दुखान्त घटना Ex:  "the structure of the best tragedy should be not simple दुखान्त नाटक Ex:  He traced the evolution of tragedy from early rituals दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण घटना Ex:  In modernist literature, the definition of tragedy has become less precise. शोकान्त नाटक Ex:  Following this tragedy शोकान्त वृतान्त Ex:  The Hall was the scene of a tragedy on June 16 1883 when 183 children died.
Tragedy ki paribhasha : du:kh se poorn rachana visheshata: naatak jo du:khaant ho
Usage of Tragedy in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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