Train meaning in hindi
As noun : अंबुपदधिति Ex: The train was going sweetly.
अंबुरय Ex: every hour a train goes past अनुवर्धन करना Ex: The occupants of the train had a miraculous escape. अबली Ex: The bullet train drew into Tokyo Station उगाना Ex: The train gets away at 1.Oclock. उ: चाय जल्दी ही लोकप्रिय हो गया और कॉफी उगाना छोड़ दिया गया। उपस्रवण Ex: The train made a jerky halt. कतार Ex: The train is due in 1.minutes उ: पृष्ठभूमि में हिमशिखरों की भव्य कतार साफ नजर आती है। कत्तार Ex: There is a huge crowd on the first train of the day. खड्गलेखा Ex: The train accident was woeful. खुंट Ex: presumably, he missed the train गतिला Ex: The train ran into a snowdrift. गूला Ex: Over forty freight cars made up the train . छँछार Ex: The train roared away, carrying Andy to Canada . छोर Ex: The train thundered past the sleeping town . उ: सतलज नदी राक्षसतल के उत्तरी छोर से शुरु होती है। टोँका Ex: Our train zoomed past town after town . ट्रैन Ex: Smuts packed a train full of explosives उ: यह एक दैनिक ट्रैन सेवा है। ठट्ट Ex: Douglass continued by train to Wilmington, Delaware. डड़ीच Ex: Distances and travel times are from the scheduleof train No. ढिग Ex: Perth provides zero-fare bus and train trips around the city centre तैयारी करना Ex: The train coasts across the boundary between sections. दुछोल Ex: The Eurostar train is essentially a long TGV धारा Ex: L.P. Willan was hired in 1879 to train naval cadets. उ: सन् १९३७ में धारा सभाओं के चुनाव हुए। नदीरय Ex: The first official train destined for Vancouver arrived on May 23 निशाने पर लगाना Ex: Travellers went by train from Toronto to that Georgian Bay port नुक्कड Ex: The train provided service between Vancouver and Toronto or Montreal . पंकत Ex: It has two train stations पंक्ति Ex: Moreover, after independence two fast-running train systems were established. उ: टॉम हेवर्ड पीछे की पंक्ति में बाएँ से दूसरे हैं। पंडी Ex: The 95 travelers on the train from Beaumont were not so lucky. पत्रावलि Ex: The train attempted to return the way it had come परिकर Ex: It is possible that he had planned to travel by train उ: परिकर जीवात्मा के रूप में स्वीकृत है। पाँति Ex: For intercity travel by train पुँछाला Ex: Regional train services are being increasingly developed पुँछीरी Ex: Roosevelt was rushed by a series of stagecoaches to North Creek train station. पुछल्ला Ex: Roosevelt continued by train from North Creek to Buffalo. पोँटा Ex: When the President travels by special train within the country प्रदिपद् Ex: It has a complex power train and weighs 85 pounds प्रबोधना Ex: There is a long-distance train station served by regional and national services प्रशिक्षण देना Ex: There is no train or metro system nor plans to develop one. प्रशिख्षण देना Ex: Victoria made her first journey by train मंदाक Ex: The city also has regular international train services to Beijing and Moscow. रँहि Ex: Gandhi went to University College London to study law and train as a barrister. रेल Ex: The city also has regular international train services to Beijing and Moscow. उ: भारतीय रेल के पर पटना एक महत्वपूर्ण जंक्शन है। रेलगाडी Ex: Gandhi went to University College London to study law and train as a barrister. उ: रज्जुरेल रेलगाडी जो सीधे पहाड पर चढती है। लेँहड़ा Ex: Knorr founded the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead to train missionaries लोह पथ गामिनी Ex: The vehicles traveling on the rails are arranged in a train लोहपथगामिनी Ex: The first train in India became operational on 22 December 1851 वस्त्राचल, वस्त्रांत Ex: The Palace on Wheels is a specially designed train वहिया Ex: The Samjhauta Express is a train that runs between India and Pakistan. वारिप्रवाह Ex: The train travels around the country विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex: The Northern Pacific Railroad built a train station in Livingston विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex: The Northern Pacific Railroad built a train station in Livingston विद्यु्न्माला Ex: From Rotterdam goods are transported by ship, river barge, train or road. वोर Ex: Each train d’artillerie battalion was originally composed of 5 companies. शिक्षा प्रप्त करना Ex: Korail provides frequent train service to all major South Korean cities. शिक्षित करना Ex: They began to train their army to invade Rwanda from Uganda शीक्षा देना Ex: A scaled-down service of one train each day began in December 2007 श्रेणि Ex: The first two train cars are reserved for women only. श्रेणि Ex: The first two train cars are reserved for women only. श्रेणि Ex: The first two train cars are reserved for women only. समवधान Ex: A passenger train may consist of one or several locomotives समश्रेणि Ex: While when referring to a train made up of a variety of vehicles सांस्त्राविण Ex: Maglev trains and monorails represent minor technologies in the train field. सिखना Ex: Much of the world's freight is transported by train सिखवना Ex: The central train station सिखाना Ex: Amtrak's Empire Builder train runs through the north of the state सिलसिला Ex: New museums, a train station, and the Concertgebouw were built. उ: यह सिलसिला अभी तक जारी है । सुधापूर Ex: Marines in all other MOSs train for 29 days in Marine Combat Training सृदाकु Ex: A mostly-electric train network serves Melbourne with 19 lines सेणि Ex: The Stockholm Central Station has train connections to many Swedish towns स्रौतोवह Ex: The vehicles traveling on the rails are arranged in a train बढाना
As verb : अभ्यास करना Ex: I met an evangelist in the train who gave me this bible. प्रशिक्षित करना Ex: Gloria Swanson traveled by train throughout the United States विद्यादान Ex: On weekends a sightseeing train शिक्षा देना Ex: The Imperial Guard had its own train
Other : अभ्यास डालना Ex: The train is going towards the northwest. काढना Ex: The actress was followed by a train of admirers. काढ़ना Ex: They train their students well. क्रम Ex: This train conveys both passengers and goods. उ: संयुक्त इकाई के रूप में ढालने का क्रम चलता है। गाड़ी Ex: The train will be late . उ: वायुयान, रेल गाड़ी में सीट की बुकिंग। गाड़ी Ex: Lucky for you the train was delayed . ताँता Ex: This becomes very important as train speeds rise. उ: मन्दिर में प्रतिदिन दर्शनार्थियों का ताँता लगा रहता हैं। तांता Ex: It holds the record for the fastest wheeled train उ: पर्याटकों का तांता लगा रहता है। ना Ex: It also discontinued its transcontinental train The Dominion in 1966 उ: हमसे ना जीता कोई १९८३ में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फ़िल्म है। पुर्जा Ex: The IITs were created to train scientists and engineers उ: मैकबुक एयर में उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा बदला जाने वाला कोई पुर्जा नहीं है। पूँछ Ex: Memphis is served by the famed Amtrak train उ: इनकी पूँछ और टाँगें छोटी होती हैं। पूंछ Ex: Scotland where iPods are used to train new staff. उ: उनकी पूंछ जमीन पर रहती है । रेलगाड़ी Ex: There are four commuter train lines departing from Lisbon: the Cascais लडी Ex: There are four commuter train lines departing from Lisbon: the Cascais लड़ी Ex: One unit of an EMU train consists of one power car and two general coaches. शिक्षा प्राप्त करना Ex: Davis traveled by train to Hollywood श्रेणी Ex: São Paulo's underground train system is modern उ: यह एक प्रमुख पर्वत श्रेणी हैं। संयान Ex: Likewise, Moscow employs several train stations to serve the city. सधाना Ex: Then he took a train to Stockholm, arriving there for Christmas. सीखना Ex: Amsterdam Centraal is an international train station. उ: "'अन्य पाठकों को लगता है कि नए इंटरफ़ेस को सीखना उचित है। से [किसी पर]निशाना बाँधना Ex: The train can supports 400 passengers.
Train ki paribhasha : vastuon ya kaaryon ke paraspar aage pichhe aadi hone ka niyam ghoomanevaale pahiyon ke oopar thahara hua lakadi, lohe aadi ka dhaaancha kisi kaary ke karane ki pranaali aadi samajhana kisi vastu ke bhitar se kisi vastu ko bahaar karana aisa samooh jisamen bahut si visheshataः ek hi ya ek hi prakaar ki vastuean ek doosare ke uparaant ek sidh men hon paudha ya ann aadi utpann karana kisi vastu ka vah kinaara jahaaan usaki lnbaayi ka ant hota ho baraabar pichhe laga rahanevaala vyakti yooth sadk ki vah lohe ki patari jisapar relagaadi ke pahiye chalate hain
ExamplesUsage of Train in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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