Treating meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Treating
As noun : आदरभाव Ex:  A new therapy has been introduced for treating malaria. उ:   आज भी ईरानियों में इस काल कवियों के प्रति बहुत आदरभाव है।
आनर Ex:  The doctor is treating him for eczema. भावभक्ति Ex:  The technique was developed for treating people with Parkinson's disease सत्कार Ex:  Psychosocial therapy is useful in treating some comorbid conditions. उ:   शहर के लोगों का स्व्भाव भी सत्कार से परिपूर्ण है। सपर्या Ex:  Medications are often important in treating FAS समुपवेश Ex:  Cryosurgery is another method of treating prostate cancer.
Other : उपचारक Ex:  The police are treating his death as a case of murder.
Usage of Treating in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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