Trellis meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Trellis
As noun : जाफरी Ex:  A vine trellis
जाफ़री पर चढ़ाना Ex:  A wall topped with trellis
Other : जाली Ex:  Arcade, trellis column लकडी की जाली Ex:  Cradle or covered because of intertwined vines and supported by the trellis of poles or iron bars लता चढाने का ढाँचा Ex:  Grape trellis or Chasselas grape that is used for table
Trellis ki paribhasha : kisi chija, visheshataः lakadi patthar ya dhaatu aadi, men bana hua bahut se chhote chhote chhedon ka samooh
Usage of Trellis in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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