Tremble meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tremble
As noun : अँगुरियाना Ex:  She showed a tremble in her face.
अचकचाना Ex:  And may the earth tremble its centersat the resounding roar of the cannon. अचकना पचकना Ex:  Bennet "called us Quakers because we bid them tremble at the word of God" उद्घात Ex:  Having a steady hand, Have a steady hand, who does not tremble उपमर्द Ex:  I tremble for you उबीठना Ex:  I tremble that happens कम्पन Ex:  Particular poplar species whose leaves tremble in the slightest breeze उ:   कम्पन अर्थात् धूजनी या धूजन या ट्रेमर या कांपना। क्ँआपना Ex:  Tree leaves tremble in the slightest breeze घबराना Ex:  tremble at the slightest noise डुबकना Ex:  tremble the fever डौँड़ाना Ex:  tremble with anger, indignation, horror ढुलमुलाना Ex:  , tremble fever, being in the thrill of fever थरथराट Ex:  , tremble like a leaf, Have very frightened थरथराहट थर्रा उठना दोलना धरहाराना परेशान करना पिड़काना । लरजा विधव्य विधुवन वेल्ल हरहराट हल्लना हिलना
As verb : कंपना Ex:  I tremble to see him do that, I feel the fear on seeing him do थरथराना Ex:  Avoir steady hand, Have a steady hand, who does not tremble स्तनवेपथु
As transitive verb : काँपना
Other : कँपन Ex:  I tremble to see doing that, I'm afraid it gets the कांप Ex:  The fever makes him tremble उ:   अंग्रेजों के हाथ कांप गए और कमिश्‍नर की सिफारिश को रद्द कर दिया गया। कांपना Ex:  This formidable prince was tremble throughout Europe परेशान करना. लरजना हलहलाना
Tremble ki paribhasha : aisi avastha men dalana jisase karta्tav na soojh pade
Usage of Tremble in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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