Tremendous meaning in hindi
As noun : अजीब वो गरीब Ex:  He did a tremendous job.
आश्चर्यजनक Ex:  His father's death in 1878 was a tremendous blow उ: इसके सेवन से नेत्रज्योति में आश्चर्यजनक वृद्धि होती है। वपुष Ex:  I'm No Angel was a tremendous financial success and विस्मयंगम Ex:  He gained a tremendous amount of experience aboard the Farragut विस्मापक Ex:  The Wizard of Oz was a tremendous critical success हैरतअंगेंज Ex:  The novel has had a tremendous impact on entertainment and publishing markets.
As adjective : अंहद Ex:  After the Green Revolution agrarian laws in the country has undergone tremendous change. अदभू Ex:  The car was running at a tremendous lick. अद्भुत Ex:  Shane warne gives tremendous spin to the ball. उ: इस प्रकार वे एक अद्भुत व्यक्तित्व के धारक थे। अनंततान Ex:  Her speech made an tremendous impact on every one. अनिमान Ex:  A tremendous amount of salt leached in . अपरमित Ex:  The native Douglas Maple can also attain a tremendous size. अपरिच्छिन्न Ex:  Lighter opéra comique also enjoyed tremendous success in the hands of Boïeldieu अपरिसीम Ex:  LHC will produce a tremendous number of top quarks अप्रमय Ex:  By early February, the German Army had taken tremendous losses असंस्तुत Ex:  A large elephant in full charge could cause tremendous damage to infantry असीम Ex:  The wedding attracted tremendous media coverage. उ: नेपोलियन असीम महात्वकांक्षी था। खुशतर Ex:  Fox's influence on the Society of Friends was of course tremendous ज़बर्दस्त Ex:  Funerals became tremendous shows of wealth बहुत अच्छा Ex:  This means they must learn a tremendous number of commands बहुशस्त Ex:  Donkey Kong proved a tremendous success in both North America and Japan. बिहद, बिहद Ex:  Its capture would have had a tremendous propaganda effect for the Soviets वाहवाह Ex:  Philosophy has had a tremendous effect on Chinese civilization विसदृश Ex:  Military success brought Bismarck tremendous political support in Prussia.
Other : अति दारूण Ex:  Medical science has made tremendous progress in last few years. अतिबृहत Ex:  She has tremendous faith in the Divine Power. जबरदस्त Ex:  They are of tremendous importance as food for people around the world उ: भक्ति आंदोलन के समय रासलीला कथक पर एक जबरदस्त प्रभाव पड़ा। डरावना Ex:  Instead they rapidly disintegrated under tremendous aerodynamic forces भयंकर Ex:  Halloween had a tremendous impact on cinema due to its commercial success. उ: फिर इसमें एक भयंकर विस्फोट हुआ। भीम Ex:  Versailles also had a tremendous influence on French architecture and arts उ: सन्त कवि भीम भोई प्रकट हुए। भीषण Ex:  Casualty rates among all the armies were tremendous उ: कुछ ही समय में अंग्रेज़ भी वहाँ पहुँच गए और भीषण युद्ध हुआ। विशाल Ex:  The film had a tremendous impact on the culture of Vietnam-era America. उ: कालाहारी विश्व का एक विशाल मरूस्थल है।
Tremendous ki paribhasha : jo bahut dusht ya ugr ho raamaayan ke anusaar raaja ikshvaaku ke putr ka naama, jisane vishaal naam ki nagari sthaapit ki thi jise dekhane se bhay lagata ho draavana jese, vahaaan aap logon ke liye bahut vistrat sthaan hai vismayapurn ghatanaa, padaarth ya vastu
ExamplesUsage of Tremendous in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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