Tremendously meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tremendously
As noun : अंदधुंध Ex:  The field of pop music developed tremendously during this period
अगाधरुधिर Ex:  Arizona's population grew tremendously after World War II अतिशयित Ex:  His fame as a philosopher grew tremendously in the 1930s अतिशायी Ex:  They also boosted his self-assurance tremendously अतें Ex:  Progress has been tremendously slowed down ever since अत्यधिक Ex:  Fan films vary tremendously in length उ:   सौ पुत्रों से प्रजा भी अत्यधिक बढ़ गयी। अध्यारुढ Ex:  The number of distinct glyphs was reduced tremendously अमोगाँ Ex:  The timing of sunrise and sunset does not vary tremendously throughout the year उर्वरित Ex:  He suffered tremendously उल्बण Ex:  tremendously large परिगाढ बंहिष्ठ बलीयस् बहीय बहुमुख भूरी मनमानिब ‡ महत सातिशय सुविस्तर
As adverb : जबरजंग जबरजरत जबरदस्त उ:   फिल्म की समाप्ती जबरदस्त बन पड़ी थी। जबर्दस्त उ:   सैनिकों ने आगरा में जबर्दस्त लूट-पाट और मार−काट की। जाविर त्रसीग बरारा
Usage of Tremendously in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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