Trial meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Trial
As noun : अधिकारी Ex:  a sample for ten days free trial उ:   अधिकारी पका फल खट्टा लगता है ।
अन्यथाभाव Ex:  The defendant was bound over for trial अन्ववेक्षा Ex:  The suspects were imprisoned without trial अरिष्ट Ex:  The trial is broken in the instrument. अववोधक Ex:  At last, the thugs were brought to trial . अवीक्षण Ex:  Fred went to pieces during the trial . अह्लीयत Ex:  We go to trial next Monday . आदीनव Ex:  The murder trial was an open-and-shut case . आर्तता Ex:  Bob got out on bail waiting for his trial . आर्ति Ex:  A total of 590 people were executed without trial आलक्षण Ex:  The Utah Court of Appeals handles cases from the trial courts. आस्त्रव Ex:  The details of the trial were reported throughout the world. इंदिया Ex:  The trial commenced at a speed of 2 Mbit/s to the home उड़ियाँना Ex:  For the first six months the trial involved 10 VOD terminals कफा Ex:  Joan said she was about 19 at her trial कवलेस Ex:  Opening a trial anyway किलेस Ex:  The trial record demonstrates her remarkable intellect. क्लेश Ex:  Alcibiades demanded that he be put on trial at once उ:   बिना हेतु और प्रत्यय के सत्व क्लेश और शुद्धि प्राप्त करते हैं। गालोडित Ex:  Wild's trial occurred at the same time as that of the Lord Chancellor चित्तविकार Ex:  Wild's final trial occurred at the Old Bailey on 15 May. जजबात Ex:  Before any trial had occurred जर्फ Ex:  Haywood's trial began on May 9 जोगतापु Ex:  The trial lasted five months तर्कणा Ex:  This led to a further trial of the improved "M1924" Garand against the Thompson ध्या Ex:  Thousands were detained without trial during his presidency ध्यात्व Ex:  His trial ended on March 9 परीक्षण Ex:  Jardine decided to trial the new tactics in only one game उ:   १६ जुलाई - भारत ने परमाणु परीक्षण किया। पातनिका Ex:  Documents released during Eichmann's trial show that पूर्व परीक्षण Ex:  This method of identification was also used in the trial of Alger Hiss. पूर्वाभ्यास Ex:  Here there is first a process of trial and error प्रतिसंवेदन Ex:  Despite the relatively long trial periods and the number of studies carried out प्रास्तुत्य Ex:  Hubbard was not in the country at the time of the trial प्रैष Ex:  Circuit courts are the state's trial courts of general jurisdiction. फजीनगी Ex:  The final trial was presided over by Justice Sir Alfred Wills. बल परीक्षा Ex:  At the trial in November 2006 in Germany बीचार Ex:  The Helsinki Psychotherapy Study is a randomized clinical trial भावगति Ex:  His trial was scheduled for July 17 भावलिंग Ex:  The trial lasted just two hours. मनःपीड़ा Ex:  He was not released until the trial concluded on the 18th. यथार्ह Ex:  The trial lasted just two hours. योग्यता की परीक्षा Ex:  On March 3, 1948, a staged trial took place. योग्यता Ex:  Who was the first to make trial of it as an article of food? उ:   पूरे वर्ष में विभिन्न योग्यता रखने वाली टीमों की संख्या। रूढ़ि Ex:  If the trial is the deciding of whether God exists or not लियाकत Ex:  They were: The first trial started on 22 February 1855 वचार Ex:  During Demosthenes' trial विचार Ex:  During Justine's trial for murder उ:   विचार नामक साप्ताहिक पत्रिका का प्रकाशन संपादन। विप्रधर्ष Ex:  Defending herself and Berkman during their trial वैधुर्य Ex:  The Bolsheviks had planned to hold a trial for the former Tsar शनवाई Ex:  At the Anfal genocide trial शन्न Ex:  The trial began in the Cantonal Court of Bern on October 29 संप्रधान Ex:  His supporters called the trial fraudulent. सलाहीयत Ex:  When the trial ended on June 23 सुनवाई Ex:  The other half, the control group, was placed in the same trial उ:   लेकिन बाद में सुनवाई हुई और नॉक्स बरी हो गया। स्वमनीषा Ex:  Cuba, referring to detentions without trial as "utterly unacceptable".
Other : अन्वीक्षा Ex:  His trial was a travesty of justice. आज़माइश Ex:  The last such trial in the House was of Edward Southwell Russell उद्योग Ex:  It was a trial and error iterative process to get a document printed correctly. उ:   यहाँ के उद्योग धंधे राजकीय हैं। जाँच Ex:  Haywood and 100 of the arrested IWW members began their trial उ:   १९३३ ई. में किसान सभा द्वारा जाँच कमेटी का गठन किया गया। न्याय जाँच Ex:  The trial of Socrates is the central परख Ex:  According to Ohlendorf at his trial परीक्षा Ex:  This was followed with the account of the trial of one Thomas Millbank उ:   इसकी प्रथम प्रवेश परीक्षा मार्च १८८९ में हुई। प्रयत्न Ex:  Hubbard's "ever-present diaries" were evidence in the Armstrong trial उ:   क्रान्तिकारियों पर लिखने के कुछ प्रयत्न हुए हैं। मुकदमा Ex:  Banana's trial proved embarrassing for Mugabe उ:   बिना मुकदमा चलाए ही उन्हें ६ वर्षों तक जेल में बंद रखा गया। विचारण Ex:  There is no trial by jury वैधिक विचार परीक्षण Ex:  At the trial two months later
Trial ki paribhasha : kisi ke gun dosh aadi jaanane ke liye use achchhi tarah se dekhane bhaalane ka kaary prakriya gunadosh sthir karane ke liye achchhi tarah dekhabhaal vah kriya jo kisi kaary ko, visheshataः kuchh kathin kaary ko, poora karane ke liye ki jaay jo kramashaः buri haalat ko pahuancha ho pahale ka anubhav ya abhyaas vah jo kuchh man se socha jaay athava sochakar nishchit kiya jaay dekh bhaala, jaaancha, padtaal aajamaaish ya imtahaan lene ki kriya ya kaary taatparyabodh ke liye vaaky ke tin gunon men se ek mukadame aadi ka pesh hokar suna jaana
Usage of Trial in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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