Trim meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Trim
As noun : अच्छाबिच्छा Ex:  in good trim
अटपट Ex:  He had a trimmer to trim the hedge. अनुद्धृत Ex:  The garden was trim and nice. उत्कर्तन Ex:  Specially painted royal blue with silver trim as was the entire train उल्लुंचन Ex:  , This chattel stuff, it makes good effect, used in drapery, trim Furniture कप्पना Ex:  A trim buttercups कर्तन Ex:  A trim Valencian कलप्प Ex:  Architecture without underbody trim Sorte, which supports a Block काटना Ex:  Dress, trim कापना Ex:  FURNITURE in the singular means, in a collective sense, All of the trim of an apartment, with a bedroom, a closet, etc कुट्ठन Ex:  He repainted his gallery, trim his apartment चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex:  In the plural, he said, in terms of Locksmith to the trim that goes into a lock, to prevent all kinds of keys will open the Ex:  It is said by analogy with a leather trim of wood species or cylinder which one covers the arm to play ball छँटाई Ex:  It means particularly Strip of trim उ:   बेलों की छँटाई निश्चित रूप से हानिकारक है। छाँटना Ex:  It still means Trim, cut, trim the end of a thing झालरअ Ex:  Mow the sheet, trim the hair in order to make the flush more united and तर्कुट Ex:  Poor trim तुच्छना Ex:  This trim goes well with the dress दुरुस्त Ex:  This trim matches well with the dress with the dress उ:   सीरिया की रेलसेवा अच्छी खासी तेज और दुरुस्त है। निकर्त Ex:  This trim she embellishes your dress well enough? If her age she believes is embellish with all its tapes, she is mistaken प्रणाय्य Ex:  This will raise your toilet trim बागना ‡ Ex:  Who is verbal furnish own, which works in hanging, trim Furniture ब्य़ोँतना Ex:  , Rogner nail someone, the trim them very closely, He subtracted from its profits or its power भीँचना Ex:  He on a beautiful fireplace trim porcelain रैट लुंच, लुंचन वदर्ध, वर्ध वदर्धापन, वर्धापन वर्द्धन, वर्धन व्यावृति संछेद सजाना साझना साफ सुथरा सिंगारना, सिँगारना सुव्यवस्थित करना
As verb : काट छाँट करना Ex:  Couture ornament, trim that exceeds purposely part of the garment to which it is adapted
Other : अवस्था Ex:  Please trim away the fat from the meat . उ:   प्रारंभिक अवस्था १५९५ में समाप्त हुई। आडे हाथ लेना Ex:  A trim carpenter specializes in molding and trim आड़े हाथ लेना Ex:  Cabinet installers are also referred to as trim carpenters. उत्तम Ex:  The following year power in race trim reached around 1,100 bhp उ:   सिंचाई का उत्तम प्रबंध है। कटाव Ex:  A dress trim उ:   कटाव कारक तीन प्रकार के होते हैं। कतरना Ex:  It also denotes the edge hammer that is used to trim and cut the cobblestones कलम करना Ex:  Change trim काट छांट Ex:  Cut, trim hair brush छॉटना Ex:  Missing trim ठीक करना Ex:  This one, the one that makes business cutting, curling, arrange the hair and also to trim and shave his beard ठीक ठाक Ex:  of Arts Instrument which is used in the manufacture of currencies and in different industries to cut and trim डांटना Ex:  PANEL, in terms of upholstery, designates each of the two pads, each two padded with horsehair trim we put together a saddle under the saddle to prevent the horse is injured तराश Ex:  Piqueur trim or scroungers, A parasite उ:   बकावां में नर्मदा के पत्थरों को तराश कर शिव-लिंग बनाए जाते हैं। दशा Ex:  This trim is fine on this dress उ:   यही मूल मंदिर आगे चलकर वर्तमान दशा को पहुंचा है। बना ठना Ex:  What is one thing made for garnish, supplement, adorn the trim a toilet संवारना समाकृन्तन साफ सुथरा करना सुव्यवस्थित.
Trim ki paribhasha : jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa baat kaatanevaala vyakti hin vah sthaan jahaaan maarg milen chauraaha vedaant darshan ke anusaar manushy ki chaar avasthaaean- jaagrata, svapna, sushupti aur turiy chhoti raani suruchi se utpann raaja uttaanapaad ka putr jaisa,—k rogi ki dasha achchho nahin hai nahin ka soochak avyay jo praayaः vaakyon ke aarnbh athava madhy men rakha jaata hai kisi dhaaradaar chij ki daab ya ragad se do tukade karana kisi padaarth se usake kisi ansh ko kaatakar alag karana
Usage of Trim in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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