Triumph meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Triumph
As noun : अर्थसिद्धि Ex:  Steffe Graf returned home in triumph after winning the tennis tournament.
The triumps of modern science is a remarkable achievement.
आजयन Ex:  His triumph was that he rose to a position where उज्जिति Ex:  While it is easy to see in Ambrose Philips an effort at modernist triumph उलहाना Ex:  The Senate granted him a triumph for his efforts उल्लसित होना Ex:  We shall triumph and shall be Caesars खुशी से पागल होना Ex:  He followed this triumph with one of his favorite roles, Astrov in Uncle Vanya. जयश्री Ex:  The Thebans prevailed but this triumph was short-lived प्रजय Ex:  But eventually Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect would triumph फलप्राप्ति Ex:  A triumph of day फलसपत् Ex:  All Rome witnessed his triumph फलसिद्धि Ex:  Army General who entered Rome in triumph after a great victory फूला न समाना Ex:  Cleopatra committed suicide to avoid being conducted in triumph विजय प्राप्त करना Ex:  It was for him a day of triumph विजय Ex:  Make triumph the Cross उ:   परब्रह्म ने देवताओं को अपने द्वारा विजय दिलवाई । विजयसिद्धि Ex:  Overcoming his enemies in triumph विजयोल्लास Ex:  The prince, on his return from the army, was carried in triumph into his palace उ:   पंचम अंक में नृत्य गीत के आयोजन से विजयोल्लास को प्रकट किया गया है । श्रेष्ठ साबित होना Ex:  The Senate granted him a triumph, a triumph संप्रसिद्धि Ex:  The triumph of beauty संराद्धि Ex:  This is her triumph is said of a thing where someone excels, particularly where it succeeds संवल्गन Ex:  This lawyer did triumph entitled सफलता Ex:  This role is the triumph of that actor उ:   यही सफलता का रास्ता है।
As verb : खट्टना Ex:  The first great triumph was the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 जीतना Ex:  After his Olympic triumph उ:   द गेम के ज़्यादातर संस्करणों को जीतना नामुमकिन है।
Other : आनन्द मनाना Ex:  This crown was usually held above the head of a Roman general during a triumph उपलब्धि Ex:  After the triumph of Dead Souls उ:   यह भारतीय टीम की सबसे बड़ी उपलब्धि थी। जय Ex:  Seeking to duplicate his triumph in Minas Gerais उ:   जय हे, जय हे, जय हे, जय जय जय जय हे। जीत Ex:  This triumph earned him sudden fame उ:   इनके रहते तुम्हें जीत पायेगा कौन सुभट भारी। फतह Ex:  If he were to celebrate a triumph उ:   ज्ञातव्‍य हो कि १९५३ ई. में पहली बार हिमालय को फतह किया गया था। फलना Ex:  Faced with the choice between a triumph and the consulship फूलना Ex:  Awarding a triumph विजय पाना Ex:  I really enjoyed your triumph विजयात्सव Ex:  Poetically, the triumph of love, the triumph of Beauty, big effects love, beauty विजयोत्सव Ex:  the long run, the truth triumph of error
Triumph ki paribhasha : yuddha, vivaad aadi men vipaakshiyon ka paraa- bhav phoolon se yukt hona ek prakaar ki chheni jisase chitere aur sngataraash saadi pattiyaaan banaate hain vah utsav jo aashvin maas ke shukl paksh ki dashami ko hota hai yuddh ya ladai men vipakshi ke viruddh saphalata yuddh ya vivaad aadi men honevaali jit yuddh ya ladai men vipakshi ke viruddh saphalata praapt karana
Usage of Triumph in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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