Troop meaning in hindi
As noun : अस्कर Ex: The enemy troop encircled the fort. उ: यह चलचित्र अस्कर अवार्ड के लिए नामांकरण किया गया था।
किसलय Ex: France maintains a small troop presence in Comoros at government request. गल्ला Ex: The troop transport Kinryu Maru was also hit and eventually sank. जमीयत Ex: During the troop trials टुकडी़ Ex: Germans made up about one-third of the British troop strength in North America. दल बांध कर् चलना Ex: Poland made the fourth-largest troop contribution to the Allied war effort दल Ex: A plundering troop उ: फ़्राँस के समाजवादी दल एक राजनैतिक दल है। दलबल Ex: A troop of brats फौज Ex: A troop of claqueurs उ: वह फीयनिक्स की फौज के संस्थापक और नेता है। फौद ‡ Ex: A troop of devils बलकाय Ex: A troop of herboriseurs भृतकबल Ex: A troop of masks मलेटरी Ex: A troop of sweepers मुखचीरी Ex: A troop of wild geese राण Ex: Army Officer ranking placed behind a troop लेँहड़ा Ex: cavalry troop composed of one or several companies, and, in general, four more than वरूथवती Ex: giberne Child, Child troop व्रज्य़ा Ex: He marched at the head of his troop व्राजपति Ex: In terms Military Art, the center of an army, a company; the part of an army, of a troop in battle array, which occupies the middle, which is between the two wings शर्द्ध, शर्ध Ex: In terms of war, it means a place Munir a troop of ditches, trenches and other work, to stop the attacks of the enemy संधक Ex: In terms of war, it means a troop impetuous Attack साँमजि Ex: In terms of war, troop support, the support, help, strengthen साहनो Ex: It also said soldiers of an indigenous colonial troop सैन्य दस्ता Ex: It is said, especially the troop Back employed outside their homeland स्काउट दल Ex: It is, in a sense Generally, rams, ewes and lambs when they are troop हस्तियूथ Ex: It meant specially order in which they had a deployed troop
As verb : दल बाँधकर चलना Ex: While Cuban officers led the mission and provided the bulk of the troop force
Other : इकट्ठा होना Ex: Due to troop reductions, the AFN's Frankfurt location has been abandoned. कुल Ex: Other troop under Lt. उ: कुल मिलाकर चीन के ७५% लोग यह भाषा बोलते हैं। ग्राम Ex: The government canceled scheduled troop withdrawals उ: घनत्व १.५३ ग्राम प्रति घन सेंमी.। घटा Ex: Estimated troop strength in early July was 350,000 उ: इस राज्य को १९५६ में वर्तमान स्थिति में घटा दिया गया था। घुडचडों का दल या घटक Ex: During the troop landings घुड़चडों का दल या घटक Ex: This would be among the largest troop mobilizations in the world. जल्दी से आगे बढ़ना Ex: There has been a reported trend of decreasing US troop deaths since May of 2007 जळी से आगे बढना Ex: In front of this array of task forces was the troop convoy 62.8 झुंड Ex: Ahead of the troop convoy उ: सप्तमी के दिन झुंड से स्तम्भों को काटकर लाया जाता है। टुकड़ी Ex: In addition to protecting the troop convoy उ: यहां पर सेना की एक टुकड़ी रखी। टोली Ex: His troop disarmed the policemen and left the camp. दल बांधकर जाना Ex: A band of insurgents citizens or, elliptically, A troop of insurgents मंडली Ex: A troop of peasants उ: वृद्ध-जवान और बच्चा मंडली भी मदिरा पीकर लोट-पोट होती है। रिसाला Ex: Break the beams! Break ranks says a troop receives its leader permission to not keep the ranks वृन्द Ex: Giving a troop in soldiers, etc उ: वृन्द जाति के सेवक अथवा भोजक थे। सेना Ex: It also says a Part of the army, or a troop of some significance उ: काफी संख्या में लोग भारतीय सेना में हैं। सैन्यदल Ex: It is still a military term, which is used to command a troop of stopping
Troop ki paribhasha : ek jaati ka baaans jo poorviy himaalaya, sikkim aur aasaam ki or hota hai kisi ko aaraam dena ya usaka kaam karana niyat samay par maasika, paakshika, traimaasik aadi rupon men prakaashit honevaala patr ek prakaar ka saaanp kisi vastu ke un do sam khndon men se eka, jo ek doosare se svabhaavataः jude hue hon par jara sa dabaab padne se alag ho jaayan
ExamplesUsage of Troop in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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