Troublesome meaning in hindi
As noun : कष्टप्रद Ex: It means, in a figurative job Stop after something pleasant, for fear of a change, a troublesome back
तुज परिमाथि भारभूत
As adjective : तकलीफ़देह
Other : असुख Ex: He is a troublesome person. कंटकाकीर्ण Ex: When the password system linking the three games proved too troublesome कष्ट Ex: After a troublesome pre-election campaign उ: इससे उसे काफी कष्ट हुआ। कष्टकर Ex: IMPOSE also means figuratively Prescribe impose someone a troublesome thing, painful or difficult कष्टकारी Ex: Ridding a pointed thing from one end of a troublesome or unnecessary end उ: यह इन शब्दों को कम कष्टकारी बनाने के लिए किया जाता है। कष्टदायक Ex: This job requires a good attendance troublesome क्लेशदायी जंजाली दुःखदायी बाधक उ: ऐसी प्रथाएँ बहुधा समाज की प्रगति में बाधक भी हो जाती हैं।
ExamplesUsage of Troublesome in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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