True meaning in hindi

How to pronounce True
As noun : अकाटय Ex:  out of true
अकुंठित Ex:  the winner was a true sleeper--no one expected him to get it अजिह्म Ex:  For true personality development we should learn to munificent. अटल Ex:  among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism अपील Ex:  This action reflects his true beliefs उ:   इस अपील को अस्वीकार कर दिया गया था। अयावक Ex:  the disturbing thing about the Ministers behavior is that far from being artificial, it too often rings frighteningly true उस्तवार Ex:  The man showed the true document. औपयिक Ex:  It was a true story. खरा Ex:  He behaved true to his words. ठिक तरह से लगाना Ex:  Sounds too good to be true . ठीक करना Ex:  This proved to be true of many Maya inscriptions ठीक तरह से लगा हुआ Ex:  This is especially true in the former Townships of West Carleton ठीक तरीके से Ex:  This continues to hold true in much of the world ठीक Ex:  Based upon the true story of a doomed uprising of Roman slaves उ:   इसलिए 'सक़ीफ़' और 'थ़क़ीफ़​' दोनों ठीक हैं। डिढ Ex:  This may not be true but as Lazenby states तीव्रसंवेग Ex:  The opposite is true for Venus दड्ढ Ex:  For the true contralto दुवादस बानी Ex:  ' The function of 'It's true that. ध्रुवि Ex:  Antony was skeptical of Octavian's true support of his Parthian cause. निभृत Ex:  The 2984 CIT was the first true Cashpoint पक्का Ex:  At this time Prague was a true European capital with a very developed industry. प्रकृतिमान् Ex:  While every Orthodox Christian believes this to be true प्रणाय्य Ex:  It was one of the first true modern fighters of the era प्राप्तरूप Ex:  The first true mammals appeared in the early Jurassic फिट करना Ex:  This is especially true if the dogs are closely related. बारहबाना Ex:  Tuvalu consists of four reef islands and five true atolls. बेलाग Ex:  It would always be true बेलौस Ex:  Mangan was a true poète maudit भावरुप Ex:  This is particularly true of the telecommunications and satellite services. मुबलग Ex:  The true Battle of Tampere began on 28 March मुस्तकिल Ex:  The first true hafted axes are known from the Mesolithic period . मुस्तकीम Ex:  While this is not entirely true मुस्तहकिम Ex:  This is especially true of the psychodynamic schools of psychotherapy मुहकम Ex:  Thucydides is generally regarded as one of the first true historians. यथोपपन्न Ex:  This is not true in general योक्तिक Ex:  This was less true when Hobbes wrote Leviathan रैट Ex:  As in all true mammals वास्तविक Ex:  Grattan-Guinness found that none of these claims were true उ:   उनका वास्तविक नाम 'चन्द्रभूषण त्रिवेदी' था। वैध ‡ Ex:  This will be true even when the Moon is at perigee, and the Earth at aphelion. श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  Miami has a true tropical climate सच में Ex:  Jews were often not identified as true Poles सधी हुई Ex:  The earliest true frog is Vieraella herbsti, from the early Jurassic . सप्रमाण Ex:  This was especially true for the Terek Cossacks land. समुढ़ Ex:  This is especially true in RCA's recording of La Boheme by Puccini सहसिद्ध Ex:  The first true "reptiles" are categorized as Anapsids सान्नत्य Ex:  In addition to the true spiders सारुप्य Ex:  Edwards concludes that "It is not true that 'racial classification is . सार्थवत् Ex:  The same is true for the other seasons. सुदक्षिण Ex:  If this is true for any r then the function is said to be an entire function. सुनिश्र्चल Ex:  A possible fact is one that is true in some possible world सुपर्याप्त Ex:  Some sources do not consider these to be true color blindness सुहूँ Ex:  This is especially true for the Mid- and North-Norwegian regions सेँठा Ex:  This is still often true सौँधी Ex:  The same is true of the Elunetru's alternative name स्वभावकृत् Ex:  Akilam says that the true concepts were destroyed स्वभावसिद्ध Ex:  He does not argue that any such conclusions are therefore true स्वयंकृत Ex:  The true Roche Limit for a satellite depends on its density and rigidity. स्वाभाविक Ex:  By staying true to folklore उ:   दरअसल यह “सफाई” की स्वाभाविक प्रक्रिया है। स्वोत्थ Ex:  The same is true for any other structure defined on the factors. हस्तदक्षिण Ex:  Whether this is true is still debated
As adjective : अकल्य Ex:  therefore X must be true अक्लीब Ex:  He claimed to be the true owner of the land. अक्षिभू Ex:  inconsistent statements cannot both be true at the same time अजिह्म Ex:  For true personality development we should learn to munificent. अद्रोघ Ex:  the architecture was a kind of bastard suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic अनहक्क Ex:  Her smile betrayed her true feelings अमनृत Ex:  Ring the bell for school assembly.
Someone is ringing at the door.
Her story may seem true but it rings false to me.
My clock only rings the hours.
असली Ex:  average cherry doesn’t supply a lot of vitamin C, but that’s not true for Acerolas cherry उ:   स्वामी सोमदेव का असली नाम ब्रजलाल चोपड़ा था। जेन्य Ex:  Jane's wishes had come true . जेन्य Ex:  Jane's wishes had come true . तथागुण Ex:  This is especially true for Africa and South America तथ्यतः Ex:  Ted Honderich holds the view that "determinism is true थीत Ex:  In central Argentina the humid pampas are a true tallgrass prairie ecosystem. थेट Ex:  Polybus was Hippocrates’ true successor परमक्खर Ex:  The same is true of mental diseases. पौण्य Ex:  Diaghilev's friends stayed true प्राचीनावीती Ex:  The first true mammals appeared in the Jurassic period. बेलौस Ex:  Mangan was a true poète maudit शुद्धधी Ex:  There is no true metropolitan government in Georgia श्लक्ष्ण Ex:  Miami has a true tropical climate सच्चा Ex:  Jehovah’s Witnesses believe only their religion represents true Christianity. उ:   किसी से सच्चा प्यार करने वाले बहुत कम लोग हैं। सत्त ‡ Ex:  A true constitution was not adopted in Connecticut until 1818. Finally सत्य Ex:  This is true in opera उ:   सत्य - हित, मित, प्रिय वचन बोलना। सत्योद्य Ex:  This still holds true today सश्रद्ध Ex:  This is particularly true in the oil-producing Niger Delta region सही Ex:  While it is true that Kant wrote his greatest works relatively late in life उ:   इससे आंकड़ों का सही व बिना रुकावट आवागमन होता है। सहीह Ex:  Cleopatra Eurydice was a true Macedonian साच Ex:  While it is true that there were calls for religious सूनृता Ex:  This is especially true of the non-alcoholic chicha morada स्वव्याज Ex:  As is true with all National Forests in the U.S. हस्तदक्षिण Ex:  Whether this is true is still debated
As adverb : सत्यता पूर्वक Ex:  This was especially true for Rawlinson.
Other : असल Ex:  great brown eye, true and trustful उ:   असल में हम भारतीय सदा से मधुरप्रिय रहे हैं। एक Ex:  He is a true friend of mine. उ:   भूगोल एक प्रगतिशील विज्ञान है। ठी Ex:  More submersibles than true submarines ठीक तरह से लगाना Ex:  The biochromes include true pigments, such as carotenoids and pteridines. परवान Ex:  Religious taboos of using true names of deities certainly existed amongst Slavs बजा Ex:  The same is true for the remaining meal. वास्तविक यथार्थ Ex:  In the jawless fish , true lymphoid organs are absent. सच पूर्वक Ex:  This is true for all parts of the United States सच Ex:  Felt wrote, "it is true I would like to have been appointed FBI director," उ:   सच को सामने लाना उनका उद्देश्य रहता था। सत Ex:  Had there been a true explosion उ:   यदि कोई सामान्य व्यक्ति होता तो कब का राम नाम सत कर देते। सहि Ex:  Few stories were true collaborations between O'Neil साँच Ex:  Alexander often referred to Zeus-Ammon as his true father
True ki paribhasha : jaisa thik hona chaahie, vaisa anaaj ya phal jo pusht hokar khaane ke yogy ho gaya ho bina milaavat ka shuddh jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa u—tulasis pavan nndan atal kruddh yuddh kautuk karai bauddhon ka ek snpradaaya, jo sabhi vastuon ko prakrati ke niyamaanusaar bani maanate hain bilakul thik aur poora jo baat jaisi hai, usake snbndh men vaisa hi kathan
Usage of True in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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