Truly meaning in hindi
As noun : सही अर्थों में Ex:  Lowe and Thulborn questioned whether Archaeopteryx truly was the first bird.
As adverb :
तत्वतः Ex:  "A truly scientific analysis must be real वास्तव में Ex:  This film was the first truly "Hitchcockian" film सचमुच Ex:  The first truly modern robot उ: दर्शकों पर सिनेमा का सचमुच जादुई प्रभाव है। सत्यतह Ex:  Evita even stated explicitly that only the Peronists were truly Argentine सत्यतह Ex:  Evita even stated explicitly that only the Peronists were truly Argentine साचय Ex:  As soon as they became truly free हकीकतन Ex:  Later in 1988, Springsteen headlined the truly worldwide Human Rights Now! हकीकतन Ex:  Later in 1988, Springsteen headlined the truly worldwide Human Rights Now!
Other : असल में Ex:  she was now truly American इदमित्थं Ex:  Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of national
opinion. खलु Ex:  He is truly a great Politician. उ: किमीहः किंकायः स खलु किमुपायस्त्रिभुवनं। वाकई में Ex:  Operatic Modernism truly began in the operas of two Viennese composers वाक़ई Ex:  Pietro, Giovanni, Gabrielle Alighieri, and Antonia were truly his children.
Examplesopinion. खलु Ex:  He is truly a great Politician. उ: किमीहः किंकायः स खलु किमुपायस्त्रिभुवनं। वाकई में Ex:  Operatic Modernism truly began in the operas of two Viennese composers वाक़ई Ex:  Pietro, Giovanni, Gabrielle Alighieri, and Antonia were truly his children.
Usage of Truly in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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