Trump meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Trump
As noun : ट्रंप Ex:  , Damer pawn in someone one, The trump him with a marked superiority
तुरही Ex:  , laughs best who laughs last is said of someone who boasts of success in a case where there are trump him तुरुप का पत्ता तुरुप की चाल चलना तुरुप पछाड़ देना रँग रंग उ:   स्वर्ण पीले रंग की धातु है। रंगड़ा रणसिंधा वर्णका वर्णगत से बढ़ कर होना
Other : चाल न चलना Ex:  Life continues to trump ट्रम्प से बाजी जीतना Ex:  , Damer pawn in someone's trump him with superiority marked तुरूप धोखा देना मारना
Trump ki paribhasha : kisi dhaaradaar chij ki daab ya ragad se do tukade karana dnd dene ke liye kisi ko kisi vastu se pitana ya aaghaat pahuanchaana phooankakar bajaane ka ek baaja jo muanh ki or patala aur pichhe ki or chaud hota hai taash ka khel jisamen koi ek rng pradhaan maan liya jaata hai
Usage of Trump in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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