Trusted meaning in hindi
As noun : अनपच्युत Ex:  his trusted discreet aide
अविलास Ex:  I blindly trusted him but he came out to be a Judas. एतबारी Ex:  Regardless, Smuts trusted Rhodes implicitly. निघ्रुवि Ex:  Gianfranco Fini, was one of Berlusconi's most trusted advisors. लब्धप्रत्यय Ex:  Elizabeth trusted in God विश्वसनीय Ex:  Tecumseh evidently trusted and respected Brock उ: दूसरी तकनीक अधिक विश्वसनीय है और भारत में अपेक्षाकृत नई है। विश्वासिक Ex:  Ewing himself went on to become Sherman's most trusted subordinate. स्थिरसंगर Ex:  I trusted her instincts".
Other : आप्त Ex:  Some people can not be trusted to work without supervision. उ: आप्त या विश्वासपात्र पुरुष की बात को शब्द प्रमाण कहते हैं। न्यस्त Ex:  Elizabeth's most trusted advisor
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The word can be used as noun in hindi
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