Tune meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tune
As noun : अनूकुल बैठाना Ex:  incapable of carrying a tune
अप्पय Ex:  The violinist had to tune his instrument with the guitarist. असुरद्रुट् Ex:  Play a tune correctly on the flute. काषठभंगी Ex:  Strum a tune on the banjo. क्रतुभुज Ex:  Your piano is in tune . गिरबाँन Ex:  They are all out of tune . गीरवाण, गीरवान Ex:  Joel thumped a happy tune out on the piano . टेकलापु Ex:  He thumped out a well-known tune . ठिक करना Ex:  You need to tune this engine up . ठीक करना Ex:  They would rather tune in on Lucy". ठीक से लगाना Ex:  The theme tune used for the radio ढौरी Ex:  As thinkers became more in tune with biomedical research over time तालमेल Ex:  This mass is an extended fantasia on the tune दक्षसुत Ex:  This tune is also folk-like in character धुँण Ex:  It also means dancing to a tune of chaconne धुन Ex:  It is said of a dance tune which is a chaconne Kind of a slower movement that ordinary chaconne उ:   जो धुन उन्होंने जावेद अख्तर को सुनाई थी। धुनअ Ex:  It is said to similar effect write a piece of music, a tune लफ Ex:  Kind dance to a tune three times, the movement is very fast लय Ex:  Old dance tune उ:   इससे उसका स्वर, लय एवं ताल बिगडने लगे। लह्न Ex:  Onomatopoeia which serves as a refrain, which replaces the lyrics to a tune व्योमसद् Ex:  Play a tune on the violin on the piano, etc सामंजस्य Ex:  Small poem of a popular tone, generally divided into couplets with chorus and usually sung to a tune known सिड़पन, सिड़पना Ex:  The heat tune this piano सुर मिलानाना Ex:  Noter a song, a tune सुर उ:   ऐसी अवस्था में इसका अर्थ होगा सुर नहीं। स्वर्गौका
As verb : के अनुकूल बना लेना Ex:  The musicians struck up a tune के अनुकूल होना Ex:  Stop whistling that tune . सुर मिलाना Ex:  He tune my violin
Other : गत Ex:  The choir members all sang in tune . उ:   वे गत पचास वर्षों से गायत्री उपासना कर रहे हैं। ठीक स्वभाव Ex:  A small number of bass players tune their strings in fifths तान Ex:  Then tune to slightly higher frequencies. ताल Ex:  It features a show tune theme. उ:   भोपाल ताल भोजपुर का ही एक तालाब है। तालैक्य Ex:  Other times he used a tune originally associated with a separate text राग Ex:  It must be in tune with the general enthusiasm उ:   इस राग के बारे में कुछ मतभेद भी हैं। संगति Ex:  Replay a tune on any instrument सुर ठीक करना Ex:  They tune after a family quarrel स्वर मिलाना स्वर उ:   उसी समय भीतर से किसी का आज्ञाभरा स्वर सुनाई पड़ा। स्वरसंग
Tune ki paribhasha : vah nicho bhoomi ya lnba chaud gaddha jisamen barasaat ka paani jama rahata hai kisi isht vastu ya sukh aadi ko praapt karane ki ichchha praani ke knth se athava kisi padaarth par aaghaat padne ke kaaran utpann honevaala shabda, jisamen kuchh komalataa, tivrataa, mradutaa, katutaa, udaattataa, anudaattata aadi gun hon kisi vishay ka gyaan praapt karane ke liye baar baar prashn karane ki kriya puraananusaar ek praachin nagar ka naam jo chndraprabha nadi ke tat par tha vaishamy ya virodh aadi ka abhaav git gaane ka dhng ya tarj svaron ke utaar chadhaav aadi ke vichaar se kisi git ko gaane ka dhng
Usage of Tune in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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