Turn meaning in hindi
As noun : अँटना Ex: he took the lead at the last turn
अंकपरिवर्तन Ex: His brother blocked him at every turn अंकूलना Ex: he took a turn to the right अंगवैकृत Ex: the wheels of government began to turn अकामता Ex: The hikers got into a storm and had to turn back अपग्रह Ex: ESP in a mathematics book
please turn to subsection. अपर्वत Ex: Youll get the table through the door if you turn it edgeways. अबली Ex: afraid even to turn his head अभ्यासादन Ex: Her car slipped at the sheer turn of the hill. अर्वती Ex: Its your turn to serve to me. अर्वा Ex: You turn the wheel. अवसारण Ex: Wait for your turn and then go. अस्त व्यस्त करना Ex: Maple leaves turn red in the autumn. अहचरज Ex: Okay, it's my turn to kick the ball . अहुटानापु Ex: Your job is in the hopper, and your turn is next . आँबठ Ex: Plug in the lamp and turn it on . आकार Ex: Please turn around so I can see who you are . उ: अतिदानवाकार तारे आकार में बहुत विशाल होते हैं। आकारवान Ex: I want to turn in early tonight . आत्मता Ex: All the lights turn off automatically . आश्चर्य Ex: The party did not turn out well . उ: तब वो आश्चर्य होगया और भगवान शिव को प्रशंसा कीया। आसादन Ex: The magician tried to turn Ginny into a robin . आस्या Ex: Please turn the light off . इनहिदाम Ex: Please turn the hall light out . इस्कात Ex: Please turn the edge under . उच्छटना Ex: Please turn your cuffs up . उज्जना Ex: Please turn back the clock . उत्त Ex: At the turn of the 20th century उदभ्रमण Ex: Not only are there malls everywhere you turn उरेहनापु Ex: I-90 makes a 90-degree turn known in the area as Dead Man's Curve उलट पुलट करना Ex: By the turn of the century उल्टी आना Ex: Soviet citizens quickly began to turn against the Communist government as well. एक्सचेंज Ex: Cats also turn their ears back when they are playing उ: एक्सचेंज सर्किट फिल्टर की सीमा में समय-समय पर परिवर्तन करता रहता है। ऐंठमेंठ Ex: Many cylinder phonographs used a belt to turn the mandrel औठ Ex: Wagner apparently intended to turn to the writing of symphonies. औपयिक Ex: This in turn endangered Libyan control over the Aouzou Strip कटपटना Ex: Harris in turn claimed Chaplin was a sexual addict. करतब Ex: He was succeeded in turn by his own Head of Series & Serials, Jonathan Powell. उ: इसमें करतब के दृश्य हेतु चार लोगों को चुना गया। करम Ex: The United Kingdom responded in turn by stating that करवट बदलना Ex: Sparta was in turn humbled by Thebes at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC कर्तब Ex: Rules generally determine turn order काम Ex: Towards the turn of the 19th century उ: उनकी पहली फ़िल्म से मैंने उनके साथ काम किया था। कामविहंता Ex: Mongolia is divided into 21 aimags , which are in turn divided into 315 sums . कामु Ex: That is when each MEP in turn is called by name किरतब Ex: Lack of insulin causes the liver to turn fat into ketone bodies कृशन Ex: California's hills turn a characteristic golden brown in summer. कै आनाना Ex: At the turn of the 19th century कोडी Ex: Lincoln decided to turn to the Western Theater for new leadership. खरादना Ex: Pius seems to turn to current events खिरना Ex: Around the turn of the century खु Ex: Smith in turn asked Roosevelt to run for governor. गई करना Ex: Towards the turn of the century गढना Ex: His sons in turn would found three principal dynasties गिरना Ex: The climate took a turn for the worse गुलचानापु Ex: By the turn of the century घुमना Ex: By the turn of the decade घुमाव Ex: This in turn was taken from the Latin tonare, meaning "to thunder". घुमेर Ex: By the turn of the century घूम जाना Ex: Bradman took a rare turn at the bowling crease. घूमना Ex: After the turn of the century उ: राव को घूमना बहुत पसंद है, और उन्होंने पूरी दुनिया की यात्रा की। घूमाना Ex: Bermudian sailors would turn their hands to far more trades than supplying salt घेवरनापु Ex: These in turn are subdivided into thirty-seven sectors. चंक्रमा Ex: Some merozoites turn into male and female gametocytes. चकफेर Ex: These in turn produce the Earth's magnetic field. चकरवा Ex: Bede records, Cædmon would turn into the most beautiful verse. चक्कर Ex: Each of these is in turn made of multiple layers. उ: चक्कर में हल की भूमिका पर कुछ विवाद है। चक्करी Ex: Those masks can turn him into a rock-like Goron चालढाल Ex: She in turn became engaged to Bram Stoker. चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex: There was no room to turn around. चैँज Ex: By the turn of the 20th century च्योल Ex: Near the turn of the 20th century जातिव्यवसाय Ex: Motif, GTK+, or Qt which in turn use Xlib for interacting with the server. जाने देना Ex: Around the turn of the thirteenth century जी मतलाना Ex: Salvador Dalí-type faces … a flower would turn into a slug". जी मतली करनाना Ex: During the arrival of the Americans by the turn of the 20th century जोतना Ex: Prus's novels in turn झटका Ex: The turn of the 20th century was marked with an architectural revival उ: लेकिन इस परिवार को तब झटका लगता है, जब इनकी नातिन रिया घर आती है। झुकाव Ex: By the turn of the century उ: कल्पनात्मकता की ओर झुकाव आधुनिक कला की विशेषता है। झौँक Ex: Álvaro Obregón, who in turn was succeeded by Plutarco Elías Calles. टटीबा Ex: These in turn enter the sea through nine estuaries, thus the Vietnamese name. टमकना Ex: This in turn is derived from the Greek word sphongos/σφογγος ठट्ट Ex: Around the turn of the 20th century ठवनापु Ex: Wolves in turn have been observed killing bear cubs डड़ीच Ex: The base of the plant will begin to turn yellow डोली करना Ex: When Akira would attempt to turn his head away, Heigo urged him not to. ढँग Ex: Adnan in turn is said to have been a descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham. ढंग Ex: Lind in turn gave it to Dick Scobee उ: पाठ्यविषय को प्रस्तुत करने के दो ढंग हो सकते हैं। ढिँगलाना Ex: The prime minister in turn disliked the old nobles तजुब Ex: White in turn contacted EMI producers Norrie Paramor तत्वभाव Ex: By the turn of the century तबदुदुल Ex: 1973 was Margaret Smith Court's turn to win three Grand Slam singles titles तबा Ex: 'Do a good turn daily'. तहबील Ex: This in turn requires the second attack method to be possible तिँवाल Ex: Mesoregions in turn consist of numerous microregions. त्रीघटना Ex: This in turn is derived from the Egyptian word dSr. थोड़ी सैर Ex: 1976 helped to turn the tide. दरगुजरना Ex: This in turn determines the atom's various chemical properties. दराकन Ex: At the turn of the 20th century दलानि Ex: Then turn to the monographs MacDonald Ross , and Jolley . दौरा Ex: They turn to King Pelasgus of Argos for protection उ: उन्होने १३ अगस्त २०१७ को अस्पताल का दौरा किया। धँधला Ex: These policies of Ukrainization were reversed at the turn of the decade. धंधु Ex: After the turn of the century नप्स Ex: Whoever ate the human flesh was said to turn into a wolf निखूटनापु Ex: Somoza was in turn assassinated by Rigoberto López Pérez निरथाना Ex: In turn he has been included in many different popular culture media निषेवन Ex: The Byzantines were in turn defeated नीध्न Ex: In turn tax revenues tripled over the course of his reign. नेकी Ex: The Achaemenids in turn were defeated by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE उ: नेकी और पूछ-पूछ = भलाई करने में संकोच कैसा। नौकर्म Ex: Agassi never finished his own formal education due to his decision to turn pro. पंकत Ex: The NKVD in turn quickly released 42,400 soldiers. पंक्ति Ex: At the turn of the nineteenth century उ: ...उड़ते हुए जल-पक्षियों की पंक्ति है। पंडी Ex: At the turn of the 20th century पजावना Ex: The turbines, especially the HP turbine, can turn at 2,000 rpm परकिति ‡ Ex: Ford began work to turn Sudbury परठना ‡ Ex: They are in turn elected on universal suffrage every five years. परिवर्तन Ex: But the turn to the east took his ships towards Jellicoe's. उ: युग परिवर्तन के साथ उसकी प्रवृत्तियाँ बदलेंगी ही। परी Ex: Around the turn of the century उ: एक नई परी या लडकी आई जिसकी शक्ति जानवर हे जिसका नाम रॉक्सी हे। पलटना Ex: A player who is out must leave the field and wait for his next turn at bat. पाठपद्धति Ex: Advised by Burroughs to turn themselves in पाठप्रणाली Ex: By the turn of the century पादविन्यास Ex: Constitutional disfranchisement of African Americans at the turn of the century पारी Ex: Children are required to attend school until they turn 16 years old. उ: यह प्रक्रिया पारी के अंत तक जारी रहेगी। पार्श्वपरिवर्तन Ex: Surface temperature differences in turn cause pressure differences. पीछे का मोड़ा हुआ भाग Ex: By the turn of the century पेँच Ex: At the turn of the 20th century Havana पैँचना Ex: On the afternoon of September 7, Mao took a turn for the worse. प्रइवर्तित होना Ex: The Silla kingdom arose at the turn of the 1st millennium प्रकृति Ex: Administrative okrugs are in turn divided into 123 districts . उ: प्रकृति रूपी वृक्ष पर दोनों बैठे हैं। प्रकृतिभाव Ex: At the turn of the century प्रक्रत्ती Ex: He was replaced around the turn of the sixteenth century by Robert Armin प्रतिच्छंद Ex: Despite this, a turn of events eventually led to his distancing from Wilhelm. प्रदर्शन Ex: As the tide of war gradually began to turn उ: उसी के समक्ष पात्र अपना प्रदर्शन करते थे। प्रदिपद् Ex: At the turn of the 20th century प्रभंश Ex: By the turn of the century प्रसंजन Ex: These in turn have evolved into the generalization known today as field theory. प्रस्रंस Ex: This in turn led to the conclusion that its predator प्रातिधान Ex: The P-38G was followed in turn by the P-38H प्रादुष्करण Ex: John had threatened to turn north and affect the islands days before प्रेक्षणक Ex: By the turn of the 19th century फिटाना Ex: King Eystein responded in turn by making a similar grant to this same Erlend फिरकैयाँ Ex: The Qing authorities hoped to turn the plains tribes into loyal subjects फिराना Ex: "to turn toward the opening of the Ka". फेर बदल Ex: But by the turn of the 18th century फेरफार Ex: A few days sufficed to turn all minds बंकम Ex: Absolutely, Officer after, Officer who waits his turn to have a command Active बंद करना Ex: Action to turn the hand बग्गना Ex: After of the street, turn right बजना Ex: After of the street, turn right बदलना Ex: Also said: You will speak your turn speech बदलौवल ‡ Ex: and ironically, this is a man who is mistaken as his advantage, as its profit, is a man who deceives in things which can turn the error to his advantage बन जाना Ex: Art to do toward; how to turn to बनना Ex: As he went to the country, he received news that soon turn reads the उ: पिता बनना एक सोचा-समझा फैसला नहीं था। बना देना Ex: Ask a question, turn to a subject-blank बरिया Ex: At the turn of a river बसबास Ex: At the turn of his career, a capital turning point in his career बागना ‡ Ex: Baccara Turning, Party where each player takes the hand in turn बारी Ex: Breaking, rape, violate, circumvent, turn the Law उ: अब बारी थी, देवताओं की। बिथराना Ex: but it will easily turn बेवसाय Ex: Coping says a troupe that was by the side of which men turn so as to present the forehead भगाना Ex: Do not just go there once, turn it until you find the भाँवना Ex: Do not over heat the sauce, turn it भौँराना Ex: Do not over heat the sauce, turn it भौमा Ex: Expression, own turn of phrase in Latin मचलाना Ex: Giving a turn of the key मनोवृत्ति Ex: Have a nice turn of mind and end उ: उनकी भावना और मनोवृत्ति एक वैज्ञानिक की थी। माडल Ex: He said it all, you have the ball, it's your turn मीँजना Ex: He tried to give a less serious turn to the conversation मुँह फेरना Ex: He will not turn from मुद्रण Ex: I did not expect that things turn bad dussent उ: यह सामान्य एवं बड़े फॉण्ट साइज में मुद्रण हेतु उपयुक्त है। मुरकना Ex: I will take a turn to reach him मुसाहबत Ex: in Athens, it was common to name senators and fifty of the tribe who in turn take precedence in the senate मुसाहवी Ex: In terms of card games, heart Turn, turn tile, etc मूँदना Ex: In terms of card games, heart Turn, turn tile, etc मूलप्रकृति Ex: In terms of grammar, he said of the Modification a letter or a turn by the influence of a letter or a neighboring turn मेडर Ex: In terms of Hunting, turn a hare, partridge मोगना Ex: In terms of Hunting, turn a hare, partridge मोड़ Ex: In this general sense, Mindset, the usual turn the trend of intellectual operations in this or that individual or from one race उ: इस घटना ने समय-समय पर कई मोड़ लिये। मोड़तोड़ Ex: In this sense, it says absolutely speaking of card games where everyone gives the cards in turn and some other games where each one in turn is obliged to do something यमन Ex: It also means Repeat, say in turn what another has said रंग बदलना Ex: It also means Send in turn something that you launched रक्तस्त्राव Ex: It also means, in terms of art, a piece of wood or iron that passes through the center of the body and is used to turn the body over him -even रखना Ex: It also said objects which follow in turn and regularly उ: वह किसी के अधीन नहीं रहना चाहता है और सभी को अपने अधीन रखना चाहता है। रदबदल Ex: It also said the charges, offices that are exercised in turn by two people रवैया ‡ Ex: It also said the place where you turn रहना Ex: It also says a small turn to the use of thin stone engravers उ: संगठन पुरानी प्रक्रियाओं से चिपके रहना चाहते हैं। राउंड Ex: It also says that the rope is used to turn the ship to the embossing रुड़ना Ex: It falls into the same error at every turn रुनकना Ex: It is for you to talk, Your turn to speak came रुपांतरित होना Ex: It is in this writer's criticism of using too often such an expression, such a turn रुपाम्तरित होना Ex: It is popularly called the Standard consumption of people gathered around the same coffee table, which pays turn रुरना Ex: It is usual that in this phrase: In a jiffy, In as little time it takes to turn the hand रूझान Ex: It should turn yellow this painting उ: मुम्बई से आईआईटी में इंजीनियरिंग के बाद उनका रूझान फिल्मों की ओर गया। रौँद Ex: It takes a good, a bad turn लग जाना Ex: It was attacked in the street in such a turning point, at the turn of a path लगाना Ex: Judging the ball Provide where the ball is falling ; and, figuratively and familiarly, Provide what turn a case will उ: वेबसर्च के द्वारा इस तरह के उदाहरणों का पता लगाना आसान है। लुड़ना Ex: Make successively and in turn the same thing, speaking of two people वग्गना Ex: Many speakers took the floor in turn वजेकता Ex: more is said Take figure, take a good, a bad turn वपुष Ex: of Marine Balancing a ship that rolls, which in turn looks from right to left and left to right वर्तनबिन्दु Ex: RACINE expressed particular the Racine of certain trees which are made woodworking books and turn वर्प Ex: Religious who in a convent , is responsible for passing the turn all the things that brings out वस्तव्यता Ex: Soothe, turn sedition वाजना Ex: Speak to turn विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex: Take a good, a wrong turn विकाशन Ex: Take a whole hand thing, in turn handle so that the hand can hold विचरित Ex: Take turn विचेष्टित Ex: Talking in turn विजृंभित Ex: Terms military command that is used to order a troop of soldiers to turn each right or left विनयन Ex: That's a bad deal, turn it around, give it order विनोदन Ex: The bars of the capstan, bars that are used for turn the capstan विपरिणति Ex: The case will be referred to his turn विपरिणमन Ex: The driver did not turn got it, took it badly विपरिणाम Ex: The head begins to turn gray it विपरिवर्तन Ex: Regine would return to him'. विप्रकृति Ex: The members of this company hold the presidency in turn Role विमय Ex: The trees begin to turn green विलब्धि Ex: Theatre There once meant Paint wrinkles on the face, turn the face with age the विवतन Ex: These fruits begin to turn yellow विवृति Ex: They in turn treated विसमै Ex: This book, this play, this turn of phrase Date विस्मयन Ex: This girl is made to turn वीरभाव Ex: This horse is badly strapped the saddle turn वृत्तचेष्टा Ex: This is turn ensure वृधसानु Ex: This news came in turn is said of a new one does not first hand which was received you indirectly वैचिञ्य Ex: This shell, that ball did turn वैढ़ना Ex: This turn is aging वैमेय Ex: Turn blowing fan, maintain, turn off, cover the fire वैषम Ex: Turn short turn in a small space, Widely not take His turn, turn the व्यपनय Ex: turn the hair व्यपनुति Ex: Turn while well turn while ill व्यभीचार Ex: Turn while well turn while ill व्यावर्त्तन Ex: Turn your back to someone, turn the back side where he faces, submit back व्युदास Ex: Turn your back to the enemy, the enemy, or simply turn our backs, Fleeing व्रज्य़ा Ex: Turning His heart to God; turn to God शब्दांतर Ex: TURNING in terms of Marine, turn means, on one side to the other शिगिफ्त Ex: WEEK also said of some functions which it is responsible in turn for a week श्रेणि Ex: When it was his turn to speak उ: श्रेणि तथा पूग की भांति नैगम भी व्यावसायिक संगठन होते थे। सँचरना Ex: When you are in one place, turn left संकल्पज Ex: Who starts to turn green संछेद Ex: Who took the money that was on the table? I only turn my head and he disappeared, he disappeared संवृत्ति Ex: , at every turn सकलजननी Ex: , in turn, each in turn or his rank सकुचना Ex: , Let him do, He comes to our mill grind, said, speaking of a man whom one is not happy, and means it will require us to turn सखुनसाजी Ex: , This spoils, it begins to spoil, Things are starting to take an unfortunate turn सजीया Ex: , To ask someone, wait-Doing to an appointment and, by extension, in turn ease with him, mystifying सजीह Ex: , Turn and turn someone, hold him various speeches, give various issues for the to talk, to know something of सज्जकर्म Ex: , Turn your back to someone, turn the back side where he faces, presenting her back सद Ex: , turns his head, turned his head; turn your head to someone सन्निवृत्ति Ex: After Wright's return to the United States in late 1910 सन्निवेश Ex: Absolument He likes to turn सन्यासन Ex: Absolument He likes to turn समश्रेणि Ex: Faire a turn lane, a walk, city tour समासादन Ex: In misfortune, most friends turn your back समुत्पत्ति Ex: It also means Place, turn in a certain direction समुत्सारण Ex: It also said the space of three months is the fourth part of the year; we did not employed in speaking to some people who were performing in turn certain functions समुन्मीलन Ex: It is built with very often the preposition DE or with an equivalent sense or in the sense above, or in the more general sense of change, turn into साभाव्य Ex: It should not turn everything into a joke सामना करना Ex: It walking on the edge of the precipice; if he does not turn from their ways, he is lost साम्यावस्थान Ex: Lever eyes, turn their eyes to the sky सैयाही Ex: L'exil, recall this minister was a dramatic turn of स्खल Ex: The turn a specific place स्वभाव Ex: This also means, figuratively and familiarly Enter a case in a discussion, you turn either to act or to speak, etc उ: उनका स्वभाव सुशील, शीतल और शांतिप्रिय था। स्वाकार Ex: Turn still means clustering Shaping the turn of wooden structures, ivory, clay, metal, etc हँड़ाना Ex: Turn still means Shaping the turn of wooden structures, ivory, clay, metal, etc हंडना हटाना हमला करना हिंडना हींडना हो जाना होँठी होना उ: इस कारण भारत में संस्कृत होना स्वाभाविक है। जाना उ: इस जगह को गोविशन के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
please turn to subsection. अपर्वत Ex: Youll get the table through the door if you turn it edgeways. अबली Ex: afraid even to turn his head अभ्यासादन Ex: Her car slipped at the sheer turn of the hill. अर्वती Ex: Its your turn to serve to me. अर्वा Ex: You turn the wheel. अवसारण Ex: Wait for your turn and then go. अस्त व्यस्त करना Ex: Maple leaves turn red in the autumn. अहचरज Ex: Okay, it's my turn to kick the ball . अहुटानापु Ex: Your job is in the hopper, and your turn is next . आँबठ Ex: Plug in the lamp and turn it on . आकार Ex: Please turn around so I can see who you are . उ: अतिदानवाकार तारे आकार में बहुत विशाल होते हैं। आकारवान Ex: I want to turn in early tonight . आत्मता Ex: All the lights turn off automatically . आश्चर्य Ex: The party did not turn out well . उ: तब वो आश्चर्य होगया और भगवान शिव को प्रशंसा कीया। आसादन Ex: The magician tried to turn Ginny into a robin . आस्या Ex: Please turn the light off . इनहिदाम Ex: Please turn the hall light out . इस्कात Ex: Please turn the edge under . उच्छटना Ex: Please turn your cuffs up . उज्जना Ex: Please turn back the clock . उत्त Ex: At the turn of the 20th century उदभ्रमण Ex: Not only are there malls everywhere you turn उरेहनापु Ex: I-90 makes a 90-degree turn known in the area as Dead Man's Curve उलट पुलट करना Ex: By the turn of the century उल्टी आना Ex: Soviet citizens quickly began to turn against the Communist government as well. एक्सचेंज Ex: Cats also turn their ears back when they are playing उ: एक्सचेंज सर्किट फिल्टर की सीमा में समय-समय पर परिवर्तन करता रहता है। ऐंठमेंठ Ex: Many cylinder phonographs used a belt to turn the mandrel औठ Ex: Wagner apparently intended to turn to the writing of symphonies. औपयिक Ex: This in turn endangered Libyan control over the Aouzou Strip कटपटना Ex: Harris in turn claimed Chaplin was a sexual addict. करतब Ex: He was succeeded in turn by his own Head of Series & Serials, Jonathan Powell. उ: इसमें करतब के दृश्य हेतु चार लोगों को चुना गया। करम Ex: The United Kingdom responded in turn by stating that करवट बदलना Ex: Sparta was in turn humbled by Thebes at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC कर्तब Ex: Rules generally determine turn order काम Ex: Towards the turn of the 19th century उ: उनकी पहली फ़िल्म से मैंने उनके साथ काम किया था। कामविहंता Ex: Mongolia is divided into 21 aimags , which are in turn divided into 315 sums . कामु Ex: That is when each MEP in turn is called by name किरतब Ex: Lack of insulin causes the liver to turn fat into ketone bodies कृशन Ex: California's hills turn a characteristic golden brown in summer. कै आनाना Ex: At the turn of the 19th century कोडी Ex: Lincoln decided to turn to the Western Theater for new leadership. खरादना Ex: Pius seems to turn to current events खिरना Ex: Around the turn of the century खु Ex: Smith in turn asked Roosevelt to run for governor. गई करना Ex: Towards the turn of the century गढना Ex: His sons in turn would found three principal dynasties गिरना Ex: The climate took a turn for the worse गुलचानापु Ex: By the turn of the century घुमना Ex: By the turn of the decade घुमाव Ex: This in turn was taken from the Latin tonare, meaning "to thunder". घुमेर Ex: By the turn of the century घूम जाना Ex: Bradman took a rare turn at the bowling crease. घूमना Ex: After the turn of the century उ: राव को घूमना बहुत पसंद है, और उन्होंने पूरी दुनिया की यात्रा की। घूमाना Ex: Bermudian sailors would turn their hands to far more trades than supplying salt घेवरनापु Ex: These in turn are subdivided into thirty-seven sectors. चंक्रमा Ex: Some merozoites turn into male and female gametocytes. चकफेर Ex: These in turn produce the Earth's magnetic field. चकरवा Ex: Bede records, Cædmon would turn into the most beautiful verse. चक्कर Ex: Each of these is in turn made of multiple layers. उ: चक्कर में हल की भूमिका पर कुछ विवाद है। चक्करी Ex: Those masks can turn him into a rock-like Goron चालढाल Ex: She in turn became engaged to Bram Stoker. चित्रीकरण, चित्रीकार Ex: There was no room to turn around. चैँज Ex: By the turn of the 20th century च्योल Ex: Near the turn of the 20th century जातिव्यवसाय Ex: Motif, GTK+, or Qt which in turn use Xlib for interacting with the server. जाने देना Ex: Around the turn of the thirteenth century जी मतलाना Ex: Salvador Dalí-type faces … a flower would turn into a slug". जी मतली करनाना Ex: During the arrival of the Americans by the turn of the 20th century जोतना Ex: Prus's novels in turn झटका Ex: The turn of the 20th century was marked with an architectural revival उ: लेकिन इस परिवार को तब झटका लगता है, जब इनकी नातिन रिया घर आती है। झुकाव Ex: By the turn of the century उ: कल्पनात्मकता की ओर झुकाव आधुनिक कला की विशेषता है। झौँक Ex: Álvaro Obregón, who in turn was succeeded by Plutarco Elías Calles. टटीबा Ex: These in turn enter the sea through nine estuaries, thus the Vietnamese name. टमकना Ex: This in turn is derived from the Greek word sphongos/σφογγος ठट्ट Ex: Around the turn of the 20th century ठवनापु Ex: Wolves in turn have been observed killing bear cubs डड़ीच Ex: The base of the plant will begin to turn yellow डोली करना Ex: When Akira would attempt to turn his head away, Heigo urged him not to. ढँग Ex: Adnan in turn is said to have been a descendant of Ishmael, son of Abraham. ढंग Ex: Lind in turn gave it to Dick Scobee उ: पाठ्यविषय को प्रस्तुत करने के दो ढंग हो सकते हैं। ढिँगलाना Ex: The prime minister in turn disliked the old nobles तजुब Ex: White in turn contacted EMI producers Norrie Paramor तत्वभाव Ex: By the turn of the century तबदुदुल Ex: 1973 was Margaret Smith Court's turn to win three Grand Slam singles titles तबा Ex: 'Do a good turn daily'. तहबील Ex: This in turn requires the second attack method to be possible तिँवाल Ex: Mesoregions in turn consist of numerous microregions. त्रीघटना Ex: This in turn is derived from the Egyptian word dSr. थोड़ी सैर Ex: 1976 helped to turn the tide. दरगुजरना Ex: This in turn determines the atom's various chemical properties. दराकन Ex: At the turn of the 20th century दलानि Ex: Then turn to the monographs MacDonald Ross , and Jolley . दौरा Ex: They turn to King Pelasgus of Argos for protection उ: उन्होने १३ अगस्त २०१७ को अस्पताल का दौरा किया। धँधला Ex: These policies of Ukrainization were reversed at the turn of the decade. धंधु Ex: After the turn of the century नप्स Ex: Whoever ate the human flesh was said to turn into a wolf निखूटनापु Ex: Somoza was in turn assassinated by Rigoberto López Pérez निरथाना Ex: In turn he has been included in many different popular culture media निषेवन Ex: The Byzantines were in turn defeated नीध्न Ex: In turn tax revenues tripled over the course of his reign. नेकी Ex: The Achaemenids in turn were defeated by Alexander the Great in 330 BCE उ: नेकी और पूछ-पूछ = भलाई करने में संकोच कैसा। नौकर्म Ex: Agassi never finished his own formal education due to his decision to turn pro. पंकत Ex: The NKVD in turn quickly released 42,400 soldiers. पंक्ति Ex: At the turn of the nineteenth century उ: ...उड़ते हुए जल-पक्षियों की पंक्ति है। पंडी Ex: At the turn of the 20th century पजावना Ex: The turbines, especially the HP turbine, can turn at 2,000 rpm परकिति ‡ Ex: Ford began work to turn Sudbury परठना ‡ Ex: They are in turn elected on universal suffrage every five years. परिवर्तन Ex: But the turn to the east took his ships towards Jellicoe's. उ: युग परिवर्तन के साथ उसकी प्रवृत्तियाँ बदलेंगी ही। परी Ex: Around the turn of the century उ: एक नई परी या लडकी आई जिसकी शक्ति जानवर हे जिसका नाम रॉक्सी हे। पलटना Ex: A player who is out must leave the field and wait for his next turn at bat. पाठपद्धति Ex: Advised by Burroughs to turn themselves in पाठप्रणाली Ex: By the turn of the century पादविन्यास Ex: Constitutional disfranchisement of African Americans at the turn of the century पारी Ex: Children are required to attend school until they turn 16 years old. उ: यह प्रक्रिया पारी के अंत तक जारी रहेगी। पार्श्वपरिवर्तन Ex: Surface temperature differences in turn cause pressure differences. पीछे का मोड़ा हुआ भाग Ex: By the turn of the century पेँच Ex: At the turn of the 20th century Havana पैँचना Ex: On the afternoon of September 7, Mao took a turn for the worse. प्रइवर्तित होना Ex: The Silla kingdom arose at the turn of the 1st millennium प्रकृति Ex: Administrative okrugs are in turn divided into 123 districts . उ: प्रकृति रूपी वृक्ष पर दोनों बैठे हैं। प्रकृतिभाव Ex: At the turn of the century प्रक्रत्ती Ex: He was replaced around the turn of the sixteenth century by Robert Armin प्रतिच्छंद Ex: Despite this, a turn of events eventually led to his distancing from Wilhelm. प्रदर्शन Ex: As the tide of war gradually began to turn उ: उसी के समक्ष पात्र अपना प्रदर्शन करते थे। प्रदिपद् Ex: At the turn of the 20th century प्रभंश Ex: By the turn of the century प्रसंजन Ex: These in turn have evolved into the generalization known today as field theory. प्रस्रंस Ex: This in turn led to the conclusion that its predator प्रातिधान Ex: The P-38G was followed in turn by the P-38H प्रादुष्करण Ex: John had threatened to turn north and affect the islands days before प्रेक्षणक Ex: By the turn of the 19th century फिटाना Ex: King Eystein responded in turn by making a similar grant to this same Erlend फिरकैयाँ Ex: The Qing authorities hoped to turn the plains tribes into loyal subjects फिराना Ex: "to turn toward the opening of the Ka". फेर बदल Ex: But by the turn of the 18th century फेरफार Ex: A few days sufficed to turn all minds बंकम Ex: Absolutely, Officer after, Officer who waits his turn to have a command Active बंद करना Ex: Action to turn the hand बग्गना Ex: After of the street, turn right बजना Ex: After of the street, turn right बदलना Ex: Also said: You will speak your turn speech बदलौवल ‡ Ex: and ironically, this is a man who is mistaken as his advantage, as its profit, is a man who deceives in things which can turn the error to his advantage बन जाना Ex: Art to do toward; how to turn to बनना Ex: As he went to the country, he received news that soon turn reads the उ: पिता बनना एक सोचा-समझा फैसला नहीं था। बना देना Ex: Ask a question, turn to a subject-blank बरिया Ex: At the turn of a river बसबास Ex: At the turn of his career, a capital turning point in his career बागना ‡ Ex: Baccara Turning, Party where each player takes the hand in turn बारी Ex: Breaking, rape, violate, circumvent, turn the Law उ: अब बारी थी, देवताओं की। बिथराना Ex: but it will easily turn बेवसाय Ex: Coping says a troupe that was by the side of which men turn so as to present the forehead भगाना Ex: Do not just go there once, turn it until you find the भाँवना Ex: Do not over heat the sauce, turn it भौँराना Ex: Do not over heat the sauce, turn it भौमा Ex: Expression, own turn of phrase in Latin मचलाना Ex: Giving a turn of the key मनोवृत्ति Ex: Have a nice turn of mind and end उ: उनकी भावना और मनोवृत्ति एक वैज्ञानिक की थी। माडल Ex: He said it all, you have the ball, it's your turn मीँजना Ex: He tried to give a less serious turn to the conversation मुँह फेरना Ex: He will not turn from मुद्रण Ex: I did not expect that things turn bad dussent उ: यह सामान्य एवं बड़े फॉण्ट साइज में मुद्रण हेतु उपयुक्त है। मुरकना Ex: I will take a turn to reach him मुसाहबत Ex: in Athens, it was common to name senators and fifty of the tribe who in turn take precedence in the senate मुसाहवी Ex: In terms of card games, heart Turn, turn tile, etc मूँदना Ex: In terms of card games, heart Turn, turn tile, etc मूलप्रकृति Ex: In terms of grammar, he said of the Modification a letter or a turn by the influence of a letter or a neighboring turn मेडर Ex: In terms of Hunting, turn a hare, partridge मोगना Ex: In terms of Hunting, turn a hare, partridge मोड़ Ex: In this general sense, Mindset, the usual turn the trend of intellectual operations in this or that individual or from one race उ: इस घटना ने समय-समय पर कई मोड़ लिये। मोड़तोड़ Ex: In this sense, it says absolutely speaking of card games where everyone gives the cards in turn and some other games where each one in turn is obliged to do something यमन Ex: It also means Repeat, say in turn what another has said रंग बदलना Ex: It also means Send in turn something that you launched रक्तस्त्राव Ex: It also means, in terms of art, a piece of wood or iron that passes through the center of the body and is used to turn the body over him -even रखना Ex: It also said objects which follow in turn and regularly उ: वह किसी के अधीन नहीं रहना चाहता है और सभी को अपने अधीन रखना चाहता है। रदबदल Ex: It also said the charges, offices that are exercised in turn by two people रवैया ‡ Ex: It also said the place where you turn रहना Ex: It also says a small turn to the use of thin stone engravers उ: संगठन पुरानी प्रक्रियाओं से चिपके रहना चाहते हैं। राउंड Ex: It also says that the rope is used to turn the ship to the embossing रुड़ना Ex: It falls into the same error at every turn रुनकना Ex: It is for you to talk, Your turn to speak came रुपांतरित होना Ex: It is in this writer's criticism of using too often such an expression, such a turn रुपाम्तरित होना Ex: It is popularly called the Standard consumption of people gathered around the same coffee table, which pays turn रुरना Ex: It is usual that in this phrase: In a jiffy, In as little time it takes to turn the hand रूझान Ex: It should turn yellow this painting उ: मुम्बई से आईआईटी में इंजीनियरिंग के बाद उनका रूझान फिल्मों की ओर गया। रौँद Ex: It takes a good, a bad turn लग जाना Ex: It was attacked in the street in such a turning point, at the turn of a path लगाना Ex: Judging the ball Provide where the ball is falling ; and, figuratively and familiarly, Provide what turn a case will उ: वेबसर्च के द्वारा इस तरह के उदाहरणों का पता लगाना आसान है। लुड़ना Ex: Make successively and in turn the same thing, speaking of two people वग्गना Ex: Many speakers took the floor in turn वजेकता Ex: more is said Take figure, take a good, a bad turn वपुष Ex: of Marine Balancing a ship that rolls, which in turn looks from right to left and left to right वर्तनबिन्दु Ex: RACINE expressed particular the Racine of certain trees which are made woodworking books and turn वर्प Ex: Religious who in a convent , is responsible for passing the turn all the things that brings out वस्तव्यता Ex: Soothe, turn sedition वाजना Ex: Speak to turn विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex: Take a good, a wrong turn विकाशन Ex: Take a whole hand thing, in turn handle so that the hand can hold विचरित Ex: Take turn विचेष्टित Ex: Talking in turn विजृंभित Ex: Terms military command that is used to order a troop of soldiers to turn each right or left विनयन Ex: That's a bad deal, turn it around, give it order विनोदन Ex: The bars of the capstan, bars that are used for turn the capstan विपरिणति Ex: The case will be referred to his turn विपरिणमन Ex: The driver did not turn got it, took it badly विपरिणाम Ex: The head begins to turn gray it विपरिवर्तन Ex: Regine would return to him'. विप्रकृति Ex: The members of this company hold the presidency in turn Role विमय Ex: The trees begin to turn green विलब्धि Ex: Theatre There once meant Paint wrinkles on the face, turn the face with age the विवतन Ex: These fruits begin to turn yellow विवृति Ex: They in turn treated विसमै Ex: This book, this play, this turn of phrase Date विस्मयन Ex: This girl is made to turn वीरभाव Ex: This horse is badly strapped the saddle turn वृत्तचेष्टा Ex: This is turn ensure वृधसानु Ex: This news came in turn is said of a new one does not first hand which was received you indirectly वैचिञ्य Ex: This shell, that ball did turn वैढ़ना Ex: This turn is aging वैमेय Ex: Turn blowing fan, maintain, turn off, cover the fire वैषम Ex: Turn short turn in a small space, Widely not take His turn, turn the व्यपनय Ex: turn the hair व्यपनुति Ex: Turn while well turn while ill व्यभीचार Ex: Turn while well turn while ill व्यावर्त्तन Ex: Turn your back to someone, turn the back side where he faces, submit back व्युदास Ex: Turn your back to the enemy, the enemy, or simply turn our backs, Fleeing व्रज्य़ा Ex: Turning His heart to God; turn to God शब्दांतर Ex: TURNING in terms of Marine, turn means, on one side to the other शिगिफ्त Ex: WEEK also said of some functions which it is responsible in turn for a week श्रेणि Ex: When it was his turn to speak उ: श्रेणि तथा पूग की भांति नैगम भी व्यावसायिक संगठन होते थे। सँचरना Ex: When you are in one place, turn left संकल्पज Ex: Who starts to turn green संछेद Ex: Who took the money that was on the table? I only turn my head and he disappeared, he disappeared संवृत्ति Ex: , at every turn सकलजननी Ex: , in turn, each in turn or his rank सकुचना Ex: , Let him do, He comes to our mill grind, said, speaking of a man whom one is not happy, and means it will require us to turn सखुनसाजी Ex: , This spoils, it begins to spoil, Things are starting to take an unfortunate turn सजीया Ex: , To ask someone, wait-Doing to an appointment and, by extension, in turn ease with him, mystifying सजीह Ex: , Turn and turn someone, hold him various speeches, give various issues for the to talk, to know something of सज्जकर्म Ex: , Turn your back to someone, turn the back side where he faces, presenting her back सद Ex: , turns his head, turned his head; turn your head to someone सन्निवृत्ति Ex: After Wright's return to the United States in late 1910 सन्निवेश Ex: Absolument He likes to turn सन्यासन Ex: Absolument He likes to turn समश्रेणि Ex: Faire a turn lane, a walk, city tour समासादन Ex: In misfortune, most friends turn your back समुत्पत्ति Ex: It also means Place, turn in a certain direction समुत्सारण Ex: It also said the space of three months is the fourth part of the year; we did not employed in speaking to some people who were performing in turn certain functions समुन्मीलन Ex: It is built with very often the preposition DE or with an equivalent sense or in the sense above, or in the more general sense of change, turn into साभाव्य Ex: It should not turn everything into a joke सामना करना Ex: It walking on the edge of the precipice; if he does not turn from their ways, he is lost साम्यावस्थान Ex: Lever eyes, turn their eyes to the sky सैयाही Ex: L'exil, recall this minister was a dramatic turn of स्खल Ex: The turn a specific place स्वभाव Ex: This also means, figuratively and familiarly Enter a case in a discussion, you turn either to act or to speak, etc उ: उनका स्वभाव सुशील, शीतल और शांतिप्रिय था। स्वाकार Ex: Turn still means clustering Shaping the turn of wooden structures, ivory, clay, metal, etc हँड़ाना Ex: Turn still means Shaping the turn of wooden structures, ivory, clay, metal, etc हंडना हटाना हमला करना हिंडना हींडना हो जाना होँठी होना उ: इस कारण भारत में संस्कृत होना स्वाभाविक है। जाना उ: इस जगह को गोविशन के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
As verb : घुमाना Ex: By the turn of the century नषाना Ex: By the turn of the 20th century भौँराना Ex: Do not over heat the sauce, turn it मुरकाना Ex: If you turn it sideways, you will not do without संप्रवर्त्तन Ex: , a certain amount of water, or to turn a mill, or for some other use हँड़ाना Ex: Turn still means Shaping the turn of wooden structures, ivory, clay, metal, etc हँढ़ावना
Other : आँट Ex: I was so confused I didn't know where to turn . आवर्त Ex: Don't turn your back on your old friends . उ: यह आवर्त सारणी के १८वें समूह का दूसरा सदस्य है। आवर्तन Ex: Please return the completed form with your remittance. उलझन Ex: At the turn of the 16th century उलझाव Ex: Substituting these in turn for in Tartaglia's cubic formula and simplifying ऐंठ Ex: Then the encryption can be expressed as After each key press the rotors turn ऐंठन Ex: By the turn of the century, Burnside was becoming more urbanised. ओसरा Ex: This format was adopted by European circuses at the turn of the 20th century. क्षेप Ex: When these did not turn up, he returned to Edmonton. खेप Ex: Broadway songs were recorded around the turn of the century चक्र Ex: Most games that Calvin and Hobbes play eventually turn into Calvinball. उ: कटे हुए सफेद कपड़े पर चक्र प्रिंट किया जाता है। छाक Ex: Tyrannosaurus may have been slow to turn दिल फेरना Ex: Walton is forced to turn back towards England under the threat of mutiny. देना Ex: Tranter's era from 2000–06 saw a return to longer-run episode series उ: प्रारंभ से ही सोवियत शासन ने शांति स्थापना पर बल देना शुरू किया। नौबत Ex: In 202 BC Rome defeated Carthage,and was free to turn her attention eastwards पलट Ex: A turn to the west-northwest occurred on September 22 उ: उसके बाद तो प्राण ने फिर पलट कर नहीं देखा। पलटा Ex: At the turn of the 20th century उ: वैकल्पिक तरीके से, बोतल खाते खोलने से पहले पलटा जा सकता है। पीठ फेरना Ex: As a result of this turn of events प्रवति Ex: Sonya gives Rodya a cross when he goes to turn himself in. फाड़ना Ex: Some of these English words are in turn Latin lexical constructions - calqued बार Ex: Bend the arms to someone, turn to him the violently and so badly to it उ: कई बार दिन का तापमान तक चला जाता हैं। मरतबा Ex: He said he was once a dance species where several people were holding hands and were leading in turn मुड़ना Ex: Her hair begins to turn gray, blanked मोड Ex: In terms of Palace ADVANCED also works as a feminine name for an Order issued to get a trial before his turn उ: रंग मोड बेज रंग ठीक है पर प्रदर्शित होता है। मोड़ना Ex: In this sense, it still is, in terms of veterinary Art, This horse has the leper, a horse that has around the eyes, After the turn of the nostrils or lips devoid of hair मौका Ex: is also said by threat Patience I will have my turn उ: इस प्रतियोगिता के बाद उन्हें दक्षिण की फिल्मों में मौका मिला। रूप Ex: It starts to turn gray उ: केशव का दूसरा रूप आचार्य का है। लपेट Ex: Let him time to turn लपेटा Ex: Long stick is in turn topped with an apple shaped ornament and that pilgrims usually wore in their travels उ: यज्ञ पुरुष पूजन के लिए कलावा लपेटा हुआ नारियल का गोला। विमुख करना Ex: The use introduced, devoted this expression, this turn
Turn ki paribhasha : chhad ki tarah sidhi gai hui vastu ka kahin se bal khaakar doosari van ka vah vibhaag jahaaan shera, chite aadi ke rahane ki maaanden hon sada bana rahanevaala mool ya pradhaan gun phaarasi ki praachin kathaaon ke anusaar kohakaaph pahaad par basanevaali kalpit striyaaan jo aagney naam ki kalpit srashti ke antargat maani gai hain vah manovikaar jo kisi nai, abhootapoorva, asaadharana, bahut badi athava samajh men na aanevaali baat ke dekhane, sunane ya dhyaan men na aane se utpann hoti hai gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho pahiye ke aakaar ki koi visheshataः ghoomanevaali badi gol vastu baaans ki phattiyon, kaasa, mooanja, bent aadi ka bana hua tokara aisa samooh jisamen bahut si visheshataः ek hi ya ek hi prakaar ki vastuean ek doosare ke uparaant ek sidh men hon thode vayas ki stri
ExamplesUsage of Turn in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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