Tutor meaning in hindi
As noun : अतालिक Ex: The lady was appointed as a tutor for the children of a rich businessman.
अध्यापयिता Ex: John Maxwell dismissed the tutor in November 1841 अववोधक Ex: Henceforth he studied on his own while supporting himself as a tutor निजी शिक्षक Ex: He gave a tutor to his son पढाना Ex: He proceeds tutor quality पाँडे़ Ex: It never leaves his tutor student प्रबोधना Ex: It was called, was done tutor बोधकर Ex: state, tutor function बोधयिता Ex: The tutor has order that this area would be sold by parents notice विद्यागुरु Ex: This man took such a tutor his son विनेता Ex: It has greatly benefited with this tutor शासिता Ex: Procéder behalf and as guardian, tutor Proceed as शिक्षक उ: शिक्षक ट्यूशन नहीं पढ़ाएंगे। शिक्षाकर शिक्षिताक्षर सिखवना सिखाना स्कूलटीचर, स्कूलमास्टर
As verb : विद्यादान Ex: This tutor will do nothing of his pupil शिक्षा देना
Other : अध्यापक Ex: At some point Milton was probably rusticated for quarrelling with his tutor उ: उनके माता पिता अध्यापक थे। अनुशिक्षक Ex: He took odd jobs including private tutor उपशिक्षक Ex: Livy was hired to tutor him in history गुरु Ex: A good tutor studying the inclinations his pupil उ: बौद्ध गुरु दलाई लामा भी इसकी यात्रा कर चुके हैं। पढ़ाना Ex: He has a pension to the former tutor of his children उ: अंग्रेज़ी-शिक्षण का सर्वोत्तम तरीका उसे एकभाषीय रूप से पढ़ाना है।
Tutor ki paribhasha : brahaspati naamak grah
ExamplesUsage of Tutor in sentences
The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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