Twice meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Twice
As adverb : दुगना Ex:  I called her twice
दुगनित Ex:  You should think twice before quitting your job . दुगुना Ex:  After being re-scheduled twice उ:   इस स्थिति में वर पक्ष को दुगुना वधू मूल्य चुकाना पड़ता है। दो बार Ex:  Four more words occur twice each द्विः Ex:  Manchester has competed twice to host the Olympic Games द्विगुणित Ex:  The planet would initially have had twice its present mass.
Other : दोबार Ex:  Dylan had appeared at Newport twice before
Usage of Twice in sentences

The word can be used as verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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