Twin meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुलिपि Ex: Ram and Shyam are twin brothers उ: दूसरे किसी वायरस की तुलना में ट्रोजन खुद को अनुलिपि नहीं करता है।
इकताना Ex: The twin engined aircraft is taking off. इकसारपु Ex: Try not to mix Bill up with Bob, his twin . एक सा Ex: The larger cities on Lake Superior include: the twin ports of Duluth एकटा Ex: His birth, along with his twin Xolotl, was unusual जुड़वाँ बच्चे Ex: Carnatic music is organized around the twin notions of melody types जुड़वाँ बच्चों को जन्म देना Ex: She had twin obelisks जुड़वा Ex: NASA launched the twin Mars Exploration Rovers named Spirit and Opportunity . ट्विन Ex: The secondary battery of the ship consists of Mark 12 guns in 10 twin mounts उ: इस मीनार से ट्विन टावर की भव्यता को बारीकी से निहार सकते हैं। यकतार Ex: Billy and Freddy met Billy's long-lost twin sister Mary Bromfield समरूप होना Ex: Arts Who is consolidated by twin
As verb : जोडा मिलाना Ex: Blue whales have twin blowholes, shielded by a large splashguard.
Other : जुडवा Ex: Calgary's Bankers Hall Towers are also the tallest twin towers in Canada. उ: यह जुडवा मंदिर अपने खूबसूरत कलाकारी के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। जुड़वाँ Ex: See also the twin paradox. उ: दोनों के जुड़वाँ बच्चे होते हैं। जोडा Ex: Kuala Lumpur is home to the tallest twin buildings in the world उ: या ऊपर से नीचे की ओर जोडा जाता है। यमज Ex: A twin apple
Twin ki paribhasha : ek garbh se ek hi samay men aur ek saath utpann honevaali do sntaanon ek hi patte me lapete hue paan ke do bide tnboli
ExamplesUsage of Twin in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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