Twisted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Twisted
As noun : लिपटा हुआ Ex:  Round Wire, Wire slightly twisted
As verb :
उपहंत Ex:  The papers twisted everything. गैरसाल Ex:  She twisted off the top . तुड़ा मुड़ा Ex:  In a way, it's more twisted than my stuff. दूषित Ex:  It's really twisted in some kind of weird, unfunny way. उ:   विटामिन सी के अभाव में शरीर में दूषित कीटाणुओं की वृद्धि हो सकती है। दोपल Ex:  Must have got his leg twisted or bitten by some other dog . प्रकृथित Ex:  A hair twisted बिकृत Ex:  From silk twisted बिरगिंध Ex:  Handle twisted straw or hay squirmed मलन Ex:  I was determined to refuse, but m ' has twisted रूषित Ex:  of Marine Petit rope consisting of two, three, or even four son caret, tarred and all twisted विकृत Ex:  Small piece of thin cardboard around which was twisted wire, silk, gold or silver and is embossed into the lace and embroidery उ:   यह बच्चों में विकृत मोटापा का सबसे आम अनुवांशिक कारण है। सावीकृत Ex:  Something twisted
Other : उलझना Ex:  He twisted his face after eating bittergourd. खजूरी Ex:  He twisted my arm until I cried uncle . बल Ex:  Action which twists around something, or state of a twisted thing around another उ:   एक बल आघूर्ण हमेशा किसी एक बल से संबंधित है। लपेट Ex:  reported a twisted thing
Twisted ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi prakaar ka vikaar aa gaya ho
Usage of Twisted in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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