Twopenny meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Twopenny
As adjective : अनर्ध कमकीमत दो पेनी का समर्घ सस्ता उ:   शुरू मे भारत विश्व को सस्ता सॉफ्ट्वेयर देने के लिये मश्हूर हुआ। सहँगा सुहंग सौँधा सौघा
Twopenny ki paribhasha : jisaka mooly saadhaaran se kuchh kam ho bhaav prakaash ke anusaar vah pradesh jahaaan jngal adhik hon, paani adhik ho, rog adhik hon aur jaad tatha garami bhi adhik padti ho
Usage of Twopenny in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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