Typhoon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Typhoon
As noun : अंधप्रभंजन Ex:  Typhoons are rare, as Palau is outside the main typhoon zone.
अतिबात Ex:  The most intense typhoon to pass over Guam recently was Super Typhoon Pongsona तुफान Ex:  Later that day, Tip intensified to attain typhoon status. प्रचंड तूफ़ान Ex:  A hurricane or typhoon is a system with sustained winds of at least or . प्रचण्ड तूफान Ex:  Before guns were fired, a typhoon sank both the American and German ships. वातालि, वाताली
Other : आंधी Ex:  Tokelau lies in the Pacific typhoon belt. उ:   उसी तरह जैसे पवन के रूप में आंधी आकाश में रहती है। चीन में होने वाली तूफान Ex:  Airforce Reconaissance flew into the typhoon for 60 missions तूफ़ान Ex:  A Chinese freighter broke in half as a result of the typhoon उ:   तूफ़ान में राधा का छोटा बेटा मारा जाता है। तूफ़ान Ex:  Heavy rainfall from the typhoon breached a flood-retaining wall at Camp Fuji बवंडर उ:   बवंडर एक केवल सैद्धांतिक रचना है।
Usage of Typhoon in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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