Tyrannical meaning in hindi
As noun : आटीक्रैट Ex:  When Karl could stand his tyrannical uncle no longer
उच्छंखल Ex:  But if a democrat means opposition to a tyrannical press उच्छासन Ex:  A government that puts out the law is tyrannical government निरंकुश Ex:  The tyrannical demands उ: समाज के शासकों की सत्ता निरंकुश नहीं है अपितु वह एक धरोहर है। निरश्अंकुस Ex:  To exercise a tyrannical power over his children, his wife, his friends निर्यंत्रण Ex:  violent Government and tyrannical स्वैराचारी
As adjective : अत्याचारपूर्ण Ex:  Hitler was a tyrannical man. अन्यायी Ex:  Calabria, in Southern Italy, to escape the tyrannical government of Polycrates. उ: इस अन्यायी राजा को लोगों ने ज़िंदा जला डाला था। दमनकारी Ex:  Hard and tyrannical Government दस्तदराज Ex:  Informers are the common bane to all tyrannical regimes नाइंसाफ Ex:  It is figuratively called Whoever performs or assumes absolute authority, oppressive, tyrannical
Other : ज़ालिम Ex:  absolute power, tyrannical उ: निस्संदेह ज़ालिम परले दर्ज के विरोध में ग्रस्त है। निर्दयी Ex:  tyrannical सितमगर Ex:  A tyrannical friendship
Tyrannical ki paribhasha : anuchit kaary karanevaala duraachaari jisake liye koi ankush ya prati- bndh na ho
ExamplesUsage of Tyrannical in sentences
The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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