Tyrant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Tyrant
As noun : अवैध रूप से राज्य हड़प लेने वाला शासक Ex:  Agariste was the great-granddaughter of the tyrant of Sicyon
क्रूर व्यक्ति Ex:  A fierce tyrant डिक्टेटर Ex:  It is not a king is a tyrant तानाशाह Ex:  Murderer of a tyrant उ:   इसी से नेपोलियन जैसे तानाशाह का उद्भव संभव हुआ। निरंकुश शासक Ex:  The conspirators concerted in silence loss tyrant पुरुषपशु Ex:  The vile henchmen of a tyrant
Other : आततायी Ex:  A tyrant may put him in prison ज़ालिम Ex:  It is a tyrant in his home उ:   उसने कहा, "ऐ मेरे रब! मुझे ज़ालिम लोगों से छुटकारा दे। नादिरशाह Ex:  The authority of a torment, a tyrant निर्दयी स्वामी Ex:  The life of this tyrant is only a tissue of horrors प्रजा पीडक Ex:  This man is the tyrant of his family प्रजा पीड़क Ex:  This tyrant bathed in the blood of his subjects
Tyrant ki paribhasha : aisa shaasak jo manamaane dhng se shaasan karata ho aur shaasiton ke hit ka dhyaan na rakhata ho
Usage of Tyrant in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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