acquaintance meaning in tamil

Word: acquaintance - The english word have 12 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of nounin english.
Meaning of acquaintance in english - a person known informally, knowledge of something through experience

Meanings in tamil :

mukaparichchayam ( முகபரிச்சயம் )

Identical words :

acquaintance with persons and in vulgar use with things - aṟimukam ( அறிமுகம் )
acquaintance with gems - irattinaparitchai ( இரத்தினபரிட்சை )
acquaintance with science - nuṟpazakkam ( நூற்பழக்கம் )
acquaintance or other wise - urimaipecha ( உரிமைபேச )
acquaintance with society - chapaippazakkam ( சபைப்பழக்கம் )
acquaintance with - paritchai ( பரீட்சை )
acquaintance or communi cations with the deity - paramanupavam ( பரமானுபவம் )
acquaintance with an art - paritchai ( பரிட்சை )

Synonyms of acquaintance

colleague companion neighbor friend associate contact association familiarity ken grasp relationship understanding fellowship cognizance intimacy awareness

Antonyms of acquaintance

antagonist detractor enemy opponent foe stranger ignorance strangeness unfamiliarity misunderstanding
Tamil to English
English To Tamil