acquire meaning in tamil

Word: acquire - The english word have 7 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of verbin english.
Meaning of acquire in english - obtain or receive

Meanings in tamil :

As adjective :
tent ( தேண்ட )

Identical words :

As noun :
acquirement - champatanai ( சம்பாதனை )
As adjective :
acquired - chanchitam ( சஞ்சிதம் )
acquired wealth and prosperity - itaiyittuvantachelvam ( இடையிட்டுவந்தசெல்வம் )
acquire know ledge - unr ( உணர் )
acquired merit - uzaittapunniyam ( உழைத்தபுண்ணியம் )
acquired knowledge - kaṟṟaṟivu ( கற்றறிவு )
acquire knowl edge - kl ( கல் )
acquired knowl edge - kalviyaṟivu ( கல்வியறிவு )
acquired by supernatural illumination - chamati ( சமாதி )
acquired know ledge - cheyaṟkaiyaṟivu ( செயற்கையறிவு )
acquired form - cheyaṟkaivativam ( செயற்கைவடிவம் )
acquirement of wealth - tanarchchanam ( தனார்ச்சனம் )
acquired learning - payinṟakalvi ( பயின்றகல்வி )
acquire a habit - pritchikk ( பரீட்சிக்க )
acquired by the yogi - piranayamachitti ( பிராணாயாமசித்தி )

Synonyms of acquire

amass earn buy get win pick up bring in gain have collect promote achieve take cop land secure annex gather procure wangle snag access attain catch grab corral hustle rack up get hands on get hold of latch onto lock up scare up

Antonyms of acquire

disperse scatter misunderstand forfeit release forgo relinquish surrender divide spend lose throw away fail miss pass give give up let go
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