appeal meaning in tamil

Word: appeal - The english word have 6 alphabets and vowels. The word holds the place of noun, verbin english.
Meaning of appeal in english - request for help, power to attract, interest

Meanings in tamil :

piriyatu ( பிரியாது )

Identical words :

appeal as in a suit - apayamita ( அபயமிட )
appeal by oath to a su perior as to the deity - anai ( ஆணை )
appeal to - olm ( ஓலம் )
appeal to the deity - tiruvulamattiyastam ( திருவுளமத்தியஸ்தம் )

Synonyms of appeal

claim bid suit question overture application call plea demand proposal petition proposition submission address supplication requisition entreaty prayer invocation recourse imploration solicitation importunity adjuration allure charm beauty attraction attractiveness fascination pleasingness interestingness glamor charmingness engagingness seductiveness urge sue propose require plead submit contest ask apply refer advance beseech beg importune implore crave strike supplicate adjure call upon hit on resort to invite engage fascinate tantalize captivate please beguile entice tempt enchant intrigue

Antonyms of appeal

answer reply denial disclaimer refusal revocation disavowal retraction ugliness dissuade deny conceal ignore refuse renounce revoke disgust give recall turn away turn off offend displease bore disenchant repel repulse
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